#asean summit

Collection of asean summit news, found 1.359 news.

ASEAN urged to develop SME policy index

Participants of ASEAN Symposium entitled, "Towards a People-Centered ASEAN Community: Strengthening SMEs in ASEAN" ...

ASEAN countries seeking RI`s aid for open source IT

ASEAN member states have asked for Indonesia`s assistance to implement open source software-based information ...

Suu Kyi admires RI`s democratization process

Myanmar`s democracy leader Aung San Suu Kyi said she admired the process by which Indonesia had become the democratic ...

VP : RI trying to increase people`s participation in ASEAN

Vice President Boediono on Tuesday stated Indonesia as chairman of ASEAN was trying to increase the role of common ...

VP : ASEAN civil society meeting to promote people-govt dialogues

Vice President Boediono expressed hope that participants of the ASEAN Civil Society Conference/ASEAN People`s Forum ...

ACSC/APF screens Suu Kyi`s video message

The 6th ASEAN Civil Society Conference/ASEAN People`s Forum 2011 screened a video message of Myanmar opposition leader ...

ASEAN should prioritize regional development

The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) should give priority to sustainable regional development over power ...

Jakarta ready to host ASEAN summit

The Jakarta city administration is ready to host the 18th ASEAN Summit to be held at the Jakarta Convention Center ...

No car-free day during ASEAN summit

The Jakarta Metropolitan Police said they will not apply car-free day on Sunday (May 8) when ASEAN leaders gather in ...

Police monitor terrorist cells in connection with the ASEAN Summit

Jakarta police will continue monitoring terrorist cells despite recent arrests in connection with the ASEAN Summit to ...

Security Personnel, Hospital Ready For ASEAN Summit

The organizing committee of the upcoming 18th ASEAN Summit and its preliminary meetings which will take place in ...

Police to deploy 4,386 men for ASEAN Summit security

Police will deploy 4,385 personnel to ensure the security of the 18th Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) ...

RI should be more aggressive as ASEAN chair

Indonesia should be more aggressive as the chairman of ASEAN, especially in making the regional organization play a ...

ASEAN Summit 2011 expected to produce significant results

With the opening of the ASEAN Summit 2011 only two days away, many quarters have expressed their expectation to see ...

ASEAN youth connect through evening of rock

Dozens of bands from all over ASEAN member states came together for cool night of jamming during ASEAN Rock Music ...