
Collection of assault news, found 558 news.

Five dead in north Iraq ambush

Unknown gunmen firing Kalashnikovs and machineguns ambushed a police patrol Thursday in north Iraq, killing two ...

Bomb in Philippines kill one, wounds 27 soldiers

A powerful booby trap bomb killed one Philippine soldier and wounded 27 others as they patrolled a former stronghold ...

60 dead in Qaeda assault in Yemen

At least 60 people were killed on Monday when Al-Qaeda militants raided a barracks, the latest in a spate of attacks ...

Syria accepts april 10 peace deadline: Annan

Syria has agreed to "immediately" start pulling troops out of protest cities, UN-Arab League envoy Kofi Annan said ...

Gunman kills 7, wounds 3 at California Christian College

A gunman opened fire at a private Christian college in Oakland, California on Monday, killing at least seven ...

Yemen army kills 6 Qaeda suspects: local official

Yemen`s army shelled Al-Qaeda hideouts in the southern city of Zinjibar, one of the jihadists` major strongholds, ...

Qaeda gunmen kill 7 police in Yemen: security

Al-Qaeda militants killed seven policemen Sunday in an attack on a checkpoint in Yemen`s southeast, a security ...

Israel kills Gaza gunman along tense border

Israeli soldiers shot dead a Palestinian gunman suspected of trying to plant explosives beneath a fence at the border ...

Judges grill Strauss-Kahn over prostitution case

Former IMF chief Dominique Strauss-Kahn was grilled by three judges on Monday over his role in a prostitution case in ...

Blasts shake Homs, Syria rebels hit back

Blasts rocked the flashpoint city of Homs on Sunday as Syria`s regime pressed its assault on protest hubs, while ...

Nigerian forces say kill 9Iislamists in Kano shootout

Nigerian security forces killed nine Islamist Boko Haram militants and captured two in a shootout in northern Kano ...

Pakistan clashes leave eight dead

At least eight people were killed and 15 others wounded in clashes between Pakistani troops and militants in the ...

Lone rocket hits Israel as Gaza truce firms up

Just one rocket was fired from Gaza into Israel during the first 12 hours of Friday, the military said, as a fledgling ...

Yemen army kills seven militants in Zinjibar: military

The Yemeni army has killed seven suspected Al-Qaeda militants in an artillery strike on Zinjibar, an extremist ...

103 Yemen troops killed in Qaeda assault: medics

More than 100 Yemeni soldiers have been killed in clashes with suspected Al-Qaeda gunmen after the extremists attacked ...