
Collection of assault news, found 559 news.

Five police killed in Iraq desert attack

Gunmen attacked a police checkpoint in Iraq`s western desert, close to the Syrian and Jordanian borders, killing five ...

Bomber enters Afghan police chief compound but misses

A teenage suicide bomber managed to slip through tight security into police headquarters in Afghanistan`s southern ...

US Marine said "shoot first, ask later" in Iraq slayings

A US Marine ordered his men to "shoot first and ask questions later," triggering one of the Iraq war's most ...

Two britons charged over weapons in Afghanistan

Two British men arrested in Afghanistan with 30 AK-47 assault rifles have been charged with weapons smuggling, a ...

China police kill seven hostage-takers in Xinjiang

China said Thursday police killed seven "terrorists" who took hostages in the nation`s restive Xinjiang region during ...

Christmas Day blast near church in Nigeria kills 15

A suspected bomb blast near a church outside the Nigerian capital on Christmas morning killed at least 15 people, a ...

Attack on British embassy being probed: Iran prosecutor

Iranian legal authorities have launched investigations against "several" people who stormed the British embassy in ...

Bicycle bomb kills 2, wounds 16 in Afghanistan

A bicycle bomb killed at least two people, including a member of Afghanistan`s peace council, and left 16 wounded when ...

Mosque suicide attack kills six in Afghanistan

A suicide bomber on Friday attacked a mosque in eastern Afghanistan, assassinating a district police chief and killing ...

NATO fuel trucks destroyed in Pakistan attack: police

More than 20 trucks were destroyed in a rocket attack Thursday on a NATO trucking terminal in southwest Pakistan ...

UK orders closure of Iran`s London embassy

Britain said on Wednesday it had ordered the immediate closure of Iran`s embassy in London and had closed its own ...

White House shooting suspect arrested: Report

A man has been arrested for alleged involvement in a shooting incident near the White House Friday night, media ...

Somali rebels say will subject Kenya to `endless war`

Somalia`s Shebab rebels said Thursday they were building defences that would plunge Kenyan forces battling them into ...

Two Afghan guards killed near west Afghan NATO compound

Insurgents including suicide bombers killed two Afghan guards working for NATO-led troops in an assault on a security ...

Gunman fires at US embassy in Bosnia

A gunman fired on the United States embassy in Bosnia on Friday in a 30-minute assault blamed by state television on a ...