#bali airport

Collection of bali airport news, found 212 news.

Bali airport sees spike in domestic, international travelers

The number of domestic and international passengers at Bali’s I Gusti Ngurah Rai International Airport rose ...

Denpasar City government provides food to COVID-19 affected families

The government of Bali's Denpasar City on Friday began distributing social aid, comprising basic food staples such ...

AP I offers virtual customer service at its 12 airports

State-run airport operator PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) is offering virtual customer service at 12 airports under its ...

100 cruise crew members land in Bali

As many as 100 crew members of two cruise ships -- Adventure of the Sea and Harmony of the Sea -- landed at the I Gusti ...

President orders clarity in rules on large-scale social distancing

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has instructed his aides to formulate a regulation that can serve as a guideline for ...

Two foreign COVID-19 patients die in Bali, Indonesia: official

Dewa Made Indra, Bali provincial administration secretary, concurrently spokesman of the provincial government's ...

15 recover from COVID-19, death toll rises to 25

Fifteen COVID-19 patients in Indonesia have made a full recovery, while the death toll from the virus has increased to ...

Ministry offers staples at low cost to stabilize prices

The Ministry of Agriculture has decided to offer staples at low prices at 49 points of sale in Jakarta in a bid to ...

South Pesisir screens 61 Chinese workers for coronavirus

The authorities in South Pesisir District of West Sumatra Province tested 61 Chinese workers, employed in a project to ...

Social distancing practiced among passengers at Bali airport

The I Gusti Ngurai Rai International Airport authority, Bali Island, has applied the concept of social distancing for ...

China-Bali flight routes cancelled, AP I estimates Rp48 billion losses

State-owned airport operator PT Angkasa Pura I confirmed that the 35 flight routes cancelled from China to ...

Eight Denpasar-Wuhan flights stand canceled over nCov virus outbreak

Two Indonesian airlines -- Lion Air and Sriwijaya Air -- have canceled eight flights between Bali and the Chinese city ...

93 Indonesians still living in isolated Wuhan

Some 93 Indonesians are still in Wuhan, China, until Friday, 11 a.m. local time, or 25 hours after Hubei Province's ...

President orders tighter monitoring for prevention of coronavirus

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has prompted Health Minister Terawan Agus Putrato (Terawan) to tighten monitoring of ...

Putranto reprimands BRI official for comment on coronavirus

Health Minister Terawan Agus Putranto has reprimanded an official of state-owned lender Bank Rakyat Indonesia (BRI) for ...