Publicly listed cement company PT Semen Indonesia Tbk.(SMGR) has set up a packing plant in Sorong, West Papua, to meet ...
Former Banyuwangi district head Ratna Ani Lestari, tried for alleged corruption by a Surabaya district court, is ...
The government has begun construction of the Glenmore sugar factory with a groundbreaking ceremony here on ...
Situated at the eastern end of Madura island in East Java, Sumenep district desperately needs air transport services ...
The Indonesian navy has launched new ship KRI Klewang equipped with sophisticated technology that it could not be ...
Two state plantation companies, PT Perkebunan Nusantara (PTPN) XII and PTPN XI will build a Rp1.4 trillion sugar ...
Industry Minister Muhammad S Hidayat is good at speaking not only on industrial and economic matters, but also on the ...
Industry Minister MS Hidayat has warned that if Indonesia continues exporting raw materials, it will be ...
The state-owned enterprise for housing, Perum Perumnas, will build 100 thousand inexpensive houses in 50 Indonesia ...
The outbreak of poisonous rove beetles in East Java, which have infected around 560 people in 12 districts, has ...
Officers at the Meru Betiri National Park (TNMB) have installed five trap cameras to establish the existence of ...
Tourists have been banned from swimming in Kuta Beach, Bali, caused by the high tide reaching 3-4 meters. "The ...
Search and rescue teams operating in Banyuwangi waters have found the bodies of a total of 75 illegal immigrants whose ...
Ten bodies of illegal immigrants whose boat capsized recently in Prigi, Trenggalek, East Java, were found floating ...
Police have discovered the boat that carried illegal immigrants from the Middle Eastern regions that capsized off East ...