
Collection of basuki news, found 1.893 news.

Home improvement program absorbs 236,689 workers until September

The government program for home improvement and re-construction or called the Self-help Housing Stimulant Assistance ...

Construction of Labuan Bajo logistics terminal to conclude in December

Construction of the Wae Kelambu Multipurpose Terminal in East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) is targeted for completion in ...

Ministry to prioritize food estate development in 2021

The Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) will prioritize food estate development in Central Kalimantan ...

Cash labor-intensive program absorbs 402,449 workers by Aug-end: govt

The Public Works and Housing Ministry claimed that 402,449 workers were employed through the cash labor-intensive (PKT) ...

Government to encourage use of people's products for housing firms

The Public Works and Housing Ministry will encourage the utilization of the people's products and support ...

Cash labor-intensive program in water resource absorbs 163,003 workers

The Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) Ministry reported that 163,003 workers were absorbed under the cash ...

Paramotor pilots hoist national Red-White flag at 2,020-m elevation

Eight paramotor pilots hoisted the Red and White flag at an altitude of 2,020 meters above the Atang Senjaya Airbase in ...

Indonesia builds seven irrigation networks to spur economic recovery

The Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) Ministry has developed seven irrigation systems as part of the National ...

Construction of roads near Indonesia-Malaysia border to continue: govt

Lawas (Sarawak, Malaysia) roads spanning 8.5 km of the planned 198.71-km-long roads; Malinau - Mensalong - Tau Lumbis ...

Flash flood affects 2,281 households in SE Sulawesi's 14 sub-districts

Some 2,281 households in 14 sub-districts of Kowane District, Southeast Sulawesi Province, bore the brunt of flash ...

Jokowi instructs ministry to restore normalcy in flood-hit North Luwu

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) ordered Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) Minister Basuki Hadimuljono to personally ...

News Focus

Government links food security to national defense

The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) has cautioned that the COVID-19 pandemic is posing a serious threat to food ...

Governor, Minister Hadimuljono observe North Luwu's disaster-hit zone

South Sulawesi Governor Nurdin Abdullah and Public Works and Housing Minister Basuki Hadimuljono, on Thursday, observed ...

Solo-Yogyakarta toll road construction to commence in November 2020

based cashless transaction of the toll road system project for the toll road sector, he remarked, adding that four toll ...

Ministry targets Padang-Sicincin toll section completion in Dec 2021

long Padang-Sicincin section, which began in February 2018, has reached 20.49 percent completion and is targeted to ...