
Collection of beach news, found 1.383 news.

Sail Komodo to have long term advantages

The much awaited international marine event of Sail Komodo 2013 will have long term advantages for the people of East ...

Coca-Cola Amatil Indonesia, Quiksilver, and Garuda Indonesia Sign MOU to Help Keep Bali's Beaches Cleaner & Safer

Coca-Cola Amatil Indonesia and Quiksilver signed an agreement with PT. Garuda Indonesia (Persero), Tbk today in an ...

Lippo Group to set up 12 hospitals in eastern regions

Lippo Group plans to set up around 12 hospitals in eastern regions next year, its president, Theo L Sambuaga said. ...

Basarnas team searches drowning victims at Criwik Beach

Members of Indonesian National Search and Rescue Agency (BASARNAS) accompanied by several other rescuers continue ...

Giant shark washed up on Dulupi beach

A giant leopard shark was found stranded on Dulupi beach at Bajo hamlet in Boalemo district, Gorontalo, on Wednesday, ...

Disney child star Annette Funicello dies at age 70

Annette Funicello, America`s girl next door who captured the innocence of the 1950s and 1960s as a Disney Mouseketeer ...

Quarantine officials foil attempt to smuggle 687 pig-nosed turtles

Quarantine officials at Seokarno-Hatta Airport have foiled an attempt to smuggle 687 pitted-shelled turtles, chief of ...

Indonesian Christians observe Easter in peace

In peace, Christian worshipers in Indonesia on Sunday packed churches across the country to observe Easter, marking ...

Ruling Democratic Party holds meeting to elect new chairman

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono`s Democratic Party held an extraordinary meeting in Sanur, Bali, on Saturday to ...

Indonesia releases more sea turtle hatchlings into sea

Several inhabitants of Sao Village, Mentawai Island, West Sumatra Province, must be overjoyed when they found a 75-kg ...

23 countries to participate in W. Sumatra paragliding championship

A number of paragliding athletes from 23 countries will participate in an International Paragliding Championship on ...

Paoman batik artisans ready to meet european demand - (d)

Some artisans of Paoman batik, a typical pattern of North of Java Beach (Pantura), Indramayu, West Java, are ready to ...

Six killed in bar shooting in Mexican resort of Cancun

Two men armed with a machine gun and a handgun opened fire in a bar on the outskirts of the Mexican tourist resort of ...

Statoil grows 20,000 mangrove trees in West Sulawesi

Oil company Statoil is growing 20,000 mangrove trees to meet its Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) commitment in ...

Pahawang Island Offers Underwater Adventure

When talking about snorkeling location in Indonesia, places such as southern Bali area, Bunaken waterpark of North ...