
Collection of beef news, found 528 news.

Immigration officers in Kupang have arrested 900 illegal immigrants this year

Immigration officers in Kupang, East Nusa Tenggara, have arrested some 900 illegal immigrants from Middle Eastern ...

Bulog asked to buy rice at commercial price

State-owned logistics agency Bulog has been asked by the government to buy farmers` unhusked rice at a commercial ...

Indonesian investment board to invite Australian investments in cattle field

The head of the Indonesian Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM), M. Chatib Basri said that he will invite Australian ...

Indonesian ministry discloses confiscation of illegal meat import

The Ministry of Trade announced on Friday that it had confiscated 2,500 to 2,800 tons of illegally imported beef, ...

Indonesian govt guarantees food stocks, prices during Idul Fitr holidays

The government will guarantee the availability of food stocks, as well as ensure their prices remain reasonable during ...

Beef For The Poor, Journalists and The Rich in Ramadhan

Widows, orphans of the family of journalists as well as the active journalists including the press figures in Aceh ...

Indonesian govt urged to conduct market operations

A legislator has urged the government to take active steps in controlling basic commodity price hikes by launching ...

Trade minister checks food prices prior to fasting month

Trade Minister Gita Wirjawan checked food prices at several markets here Wednesday, few days prior to the Islamic ...

Indonesia government targets 6% increase in food production

The Ministry of Agriculture is aiming at a 6 percent increase in food production per year for the next two years in ...

Govt to evaluate food stocks

The government will hold a meeting next week to discuss and evaluate the availability of food stocks in light of the ...

Indonesia to improve cattle farm partnership with Australia

Indonesia will improve its cattle farm partnership with Australia, especially in the region of Nusa Tenggara, said ...

RI trying to equalize trade with NZ

Indonesia is trying to equalize its trade volume with New Zealand, a minister said. "Our imports from New Zealand ...

Muslims in France worry about rising bias in wake of Toulouse shootings

Although the Toulouse scooter-riding shootings ended with the al-Qaeda-inspired gunman being killed, to Muslims in ...

Toyota to increase investment in RI

Toyota Motor Corp , through PT Toyota Astra Motor (TAM), will soon realize its plan to beef up its investment in ...

Al Shabaab attack Kenyan police camp, kill 7

Somali Islamist rebels stormed a remote police camp in northeastern Kenya, killing seven people and kidnapping several ...