
Collection of birds news, found 333 news.

EARTH WIRE -- Kendari promoting mangrove ecosystem tourism

The Kendari city administration in the Indonesian province of Southeast Sulawesi, in coordination with the local ...

Flora, Fauna Expo Being Organized in Banteng Square, central jakarta - (d)

A flora and fauna expo is being organized in Banteng Square, Central Jakarta, from February 24 to March 26, 2017. ...

Indonesia to reduce plastic wastes by 70 percent

The Indonesian government is committed to reducing plastic wastes by 70 percent by the end of 2025, initiated with the ...

EARTH WIRE -- Adat community urged to protect habitats of birds of paradise

The World Wildlife Fund (WWF) Papua office has urged Papuas Adat community to help protect the habitats of the birds ...

China reports first two human fatalities from bird flu this winter

Two people in the Chinese province of Anhui have died of bird flu infection, the first fatalities among this winters ...

Ireland urges poultry owners to remain vigilant against bird flu

Ireland urged poultry owners to remain vigilant against avian influenza, due to confirmation of outbreak of such ...

EARTH WIRE - Addressing crimes against wild plants and animals

Crimes against wild animals and plants need serious attention, as many plants and animals face the threat of ...

Papuan activists call for stronger action against Cenderawasih trade

Activists of several Non-Governmental Organizations urged the authority of Jayapura District, Papua Province, to take ...

Police foils attempt to smuggle 1,300 birds in Batam

The Water Police of Riau Islands on Tuesday foiled an attempt to smuggle around 1,300 birds of magpie family from ...

Bogor Zoology Museum most complete in SE Asia

The museum of zoology, named Museum Zoologicum Bogoriense (MZB), under the Indonesian Science Institute (LIPI) ...

Promoting wildlife importance through Way Kambas Festival

The Way Kambas Festival in the district of East Lampung, Lampung Province, scheduled from November 11 to 13, 2016, ...

EARTH WIRE -- Wildlife populations plunge almost 60% since 1970

Worldwide populations of mammals, birds, fish, amphibians and reptiles have plunged by almost 60 percent since 1970 as ...

Reservoirs still to be tapped to their full potential

Indonesians, like most other people in the world, love to go out for a picnic to unwind at tourism resorts or at other ...

Earth Wire -- Global trade in wild African Grey Parrot banned, U.N. meeting rules

The United Nations has banned global trade in wild African Grey Parrots, prized for their ability to imitate human ...

Misool Island being developed into new tourist attraction

Misool, one of the four major islands in Raja Ampat district in the Indonesian province of West Papua, is being ...