
Collection of bksda news, found 302 news.

Antara photographer wins award from environment and forestry ministry

The Environment and Forestry Ministry has bestowed an award upon Antara photographer Irwansyah Putra for publishing ...

Five saltwater crocodiles trapped in Riau`s Singingi District

Five saltwater crocodiles (Crocodylus porosus) were trapped in an irrigation dam for farming land in Kuantan Singingi ...

Two tigers escape from cages at Semarang Zoo

A couple of tigers escaped from their cages in the Semarang Zoo in Central Java and roamed around the zoo on Wednesday ...

Synergy among ministries crucial to addressing marine pollution

Three sea turtles were found dead some 150 meters off Pari Island, Seribu (One Thousand) Islands District, Jakarta, ...

Sumatran rhino saved from pit trap in E Kalimantan

A female Sumatran rhinoceros (Dicerorhinus sumatrensis) was rescued from a pit trap near Tunuq River basin area in ...

Three turtles found dead off Pari island due to litter

The Jakarta Natural Resources Conservation Agency (BKSDA) has confirmed the deaths of three turtles in the waters of ...

News Focus - efforts underway to save sumatran tigers from extinction by Otniel Tamindael

The Natural Resources Conservation Agency (BKSDA) of Riau Province on Sumatra Island continues to make every effort to ...

China`s decision could trigger Sumatran tiger poaching: Environmentalist

China`s decision to legalize tiger bone usage for medicine has the potential to trigger poaching of Sumatran tigers, ...

Six more orangutans set free in forest habitat

The Borneo Orangutan Survival Foundation (BOSF) has marked the country's 73rd Independence Day commemoration by ...

News focus - Bali zoo enlivens independence day anniversary

Recognized by the Indonesian government as the best conservation institution in the country, the Bali Zoo, on the ...

Bosf to release 10 orangutans to Bukit Baka national park

The Borneo Orangutan Survival Foundation (BOSF) of Nyaru Menteng will release 10 orangutans to Bukit Baka Bukit Raya ...

Asian Games 2018

Asian Games - BRG prepares 200 artesian wells to anticipate haze

The Peat Restoration Agency (BRG) would drill 200 artesian wells in six villages in Ogan Komering Ilir, a land ...

East Aceh police investigates case of dead elephant

An estimated 15-year-old wild elephant was found dead in an inland forest area in Banda Alam Sub-district, East Aceh ...

Rafflesia tuan-mudae blooms in Maninjau forest

Rafflesia tuan-mudae is in bloom in Maninjau Nature Reserve in Marambuang, Agam District, West Sumatra ...

Stranded sperm whale in Situbondo successfully saved

The sperm whale stranded on the coast of Situbondo, East Java, since Thursday evening has successfully been saved by ...