
Collection of blind news, found 213 news.

House to issue regulation to curb illegal CPO practices

The House of Representatives (DPR) will issue a new regulation to curb illegal practices and smuggling of crude palm ...

President calls for end to conflict between military, police personnel

President Joko Widodo has called for an end to any conflict between ilitary and police personnel and its recurrence in ...

For Chinese officials, Trump perhaps better the devil they don`t know

In 2010, then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton provoked outrage in Beijing when she pushed the South China Sea to ...

Indonesian women remain marginalized: Academician

When viewed from the health and educational aspects, Indonesian women remain in a marginal position, or continue to be ...

Dutch maestro Arie Amith passes away in Bali

Adrianus Wilhelmus "Arie" Smith (100), a Dutch maestro, passed away at the Puri Raharja Hospital in Denpasar, Bali, on ...

Education minister watches solar eclipse along with disabled children

Education and Culture Minister Anies Baswedan witnessed the total solar eclipse along with disabled children in ...

OIC expected to strengthen concensus on freeing Palestine from IS

Nearly 50 member countries of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) will gather in Jakarta for the March 6-7, ...

UL whitepaper by Chief Economist Dr. Erin Grossi outlines renewable energy success with power grids in Germany & potential opportunities for other nations

- UL, a global safety science organization, recently conducted a study to learn what Germany is doing to ...

Visually impaired people want better welfare

The visually impaired people in Indonesia want better welfare, good education, a satisfying job, a fulfilling family ...

33 suspects named in arson attack on gubernatorial office

The police have named 33 suspects in connection with the December 19 arson attack on the North Kalimantan ...

Brimob personnel sent to N Kalimantan to help restore security

The National Police Headquarters has sent two companies of Mobile Brigade (Brimob) personnel to North Kalimantan ...

Australian performer to celebrate achievement with disabilities in Jakarta

To mark the International Day of People with Disabilities the Australian Embassy here is to host the Music for All ...

Walhi encourages people to file class action suit over haze disaster

The Indonesian Forum for the Environment (Walhi) has encouraged haze-affected residents to file a class action suit ...

Rohingya Asylum Seekers Treated With Compassion In Aceh

- Since the issue emerged, the people and government of Aceh Darussalam have sympathized with and shown their ...

Al Jazeera says its journalist to remain in German custody

One of the pan-Arab television network Al Jazeeras best known journalists, Ahmed Mansour, was remanded in custody by a ...