
Collection of blueprint news, found 303 news.

Calypso Introduces Bank-in-a-Box for Capital Markets

- Calypso Technology, Inc., the standard for treasury and capital markets software, has developed an industrialized ...

New Report from Internet Society Outlines Steps for Unleashing the Potential of the Internet in S.E. Asia

- The Internet Society (ISOC) and consulting and research firm TRPC today released a report identifying the concrete ...

ForgeRock Announces Record Sales Year and Expands in Asia

- Leading Identity Management Provider Highlights Major Customer Wins in 2014; - Opens New ...

France sends search experts to AirAsia crash scene

Frances BEA crash investigation agency said a specialist black box search team and equipment arrived on Friday at the ...

Indonesia maritime axis to enhance inter-island connectivity

Envisioned by President Joko "Jokowi" Widodo, converting Indonesia into a global maritime axis would expand ...

Indonesia plans to develop 24 seaports

Indonesian president Joko Widodo has said he plans to develop 24 seaports in the next five years of his ...

Joint Ministerial Statement of 26 th APEC Meeting

1. We, the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Ministers, met on 7-8 November 2014, in Beijing, China. The meeting ...

New government will optimize implementation of national logistic system

The new government will optimize the implementation of the national logistic system (Sislognas) to improve the ...

Bank of Indonesia encourages use of rupiah ahead of AEC

The Bank of Indonesia encourages entrepreneurs and the Indonesian community to use the rupiah currency ahead of the ...

S. Korea`s Park, sorry over ferry disaster, breaks up coast guard

South Korean President Park Geun-hye formally apologised on Monday for a ferry disaster last month that killed about ...

Marini's On 57 Kicked Off Formula One Weekend With Mr And Mrs Rampling In Kuala Lumpur

- Danny Rampling, widely considered to be one of the founders and leaders of the British club scene and former BBC ...

Golkar claims Soeharto`s government better than present administration

The general chairman of Golkar Party, Aburizal Bakrie (ARB), again praised former president Soehartos government ...

Indonesia still to do homework before AEC launch

Indonesias position in the face of the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) raises concerns as it has a lot of homework to ...

ASEAN mineral cooperation must be based on solidarity: Minister

Indonesian Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Jero Wacik has appealed to ASEAN member countries to increase ...

ASEAN members propose setting up of mineral database system

The 13th Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) Senior Officials Meeting on Minerals (ASOMM) will be held in ...