
Collection of blueprint news, found 303 news.

BI pushes RI's halal products to drive global market penetration

Bank Indonesia (BI) has encouraged Indonesia to take on a larger role as a halal industry producer by not only catering ...

Bappenas holds Annual Conference on SDGs in Jakarta

The National Development Planning Ministry/The National Development Planning Agency (Bappenas), as coordinator for ...

Lapan highlights roadmap for aviation industry at AeroSummit

National Institute of Aeronautics and Space (Lapan) and stakeholders discussed the national aviation industry ...

China and ASEAN set up a good example of a new type of international relations

- The historical relationship between China and ASEAN is the basis of China's "Maritime Silk Road" initiative. Today, ...

Adoption of Indo-Pacific outlook document reflects ASEAN centrality

The adoption of an ASEAN Outlook on Indo-Pacific has sent a simple message to extra-regional powers, that ASEAN ...

S BLOCK 1000 pax Interstellar Quantitative Summit convenes in Bangkok

- On August 21st, "S BLOCK Interstellar Quantitative Summit" officially convened in Bangkok, Thailand!This press ...

Rais confirms PAN to officially remain outside Jokowi administration

Ma'ruf Amin administration and to apply a system of substantive checks and balances. "The PAN leader has ...

IMT-GT concludes its 11th meeting in Palembang on Saturday

The two-day 11th meeting of the Indonesia-Malaysia-Thailand - Growth Triangle (IMT-GT) Working Group on Transport, ...

PDIP has yet to propose names of ministerial candidates to Jokowi

The Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDIP) has yet to propose and submit names of his future cabinet members to ...

News Focus

Awaiting Jokowi's new cabinet

The new Indonesian cabinet will have members from different political parties and various professional backgrounds, ...

Pelindo IV ready to build Manado Marine Bay

Indonesia's seaport operator PT Pelabuhan Indonesia (Pelindo) IV is ready to build the Manado Marine Bay to support ...

Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand exchange online labor market information

- to realize the IB. Currently, work training institutions were being revitalized to improve regional human ...

Jokowi leads ceremony to observe Pancasila Day

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) led a ceremony at the Pancasila Building, the Foreign Affairs Ministry, at around 8 a.m. ...

News Feature

More forceful human rights mechanisms needed in ASEAN

Ten years since its establishment, the ASEAN Intergovernmental Commission on Human Rights (AICHR) has yet to fully ...

ASEAN should embody victims' rights' protection as core value: AICHR

The ASEAN community should uphold the dignity and rights of those falling victims to human rights violations as its ...