
Collection of boediono news, found 847 news.

VP Boediono opens Indonesian Wayang Week, Congress

Vice President Boediono opened an Indonesia Wayang (traditional Javanese puppet) Week 2011 and the 8th National ...

Food insecurity still haunting Indonesia by otniel tamindael - (d)

Indonesia is still confronted by the challenge of food security for its 234 million population, the fourth largest in ...

Adaptive technology needed to support indonesia`s food security

Indonesia needs an adaptive technology in developing commodities that will support its food security, a minister ...

Small farmers should be basis of food development

Smallholder`s agriculture and food estates must be synchronized with development of the country`s food resilience so ...

RI`s food production barely enough to meet need

Indonesia is until now still haunted by food insecurity because food production is just barely enough to meet ...

VP Boediono leads World Food Day celebrations in Gorontalo

Vice President Boediono here Thursday officiated at a ceremony marking the start of various activities to observe ...

Mari Elka challenged to develop creative economy

Tourism and Creative Economy Minister Mari Elka Pangestu said she was now challenged to develop the sectors of ...

President Yudoyono installs new ministers, deputy ministers

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono at the State Palace here on Wednesday installed new ministers and deputy ministers ...

President : five factors necessitated cabinet reshuffle

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono said five factors underlay his decision to reshuffle the United Indonesia Cabinet ...

VP: Economy cannot be fully left to market mechanisms

Vice President Boediono said the government could not fully leave the economy to market mechanisms and therefore it ...

President names statistics chief deputy agriculture minister

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono named chief of the National Statistics Agency, Rusman Heriawan, deputy minister of ...

VP to observe world food day in Gorontalo

Vice President Boediono is scheduled to officially lead the national commemoration of World Food Day 2011 in ...

President Yudhoyono summons deputy agriculture minister

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, at his private Puri Cikeas residence in Bogor, West Java, on Saturday, continued ...

Mahendra Siregar named deputy finance minister

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono has named Mahendra Siregar, who is currently deputy trade minister, as deputy ...

VP calls for better security against illegal fishing

Vice President Boediono has called on security agencies to step up security in the sea to prevent illegal fishing that ...