The government will drop water bombs in several hotspots to mitigate haze from land fires in the Riau Province on ...
President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono stated that defense and strategic industries must become the master at home and ...
A Russian-made Kamov helicopter is to be deployed to join in the efforts to combat fires now raging in forests, ...
Haze from forest and plantation fires reduced the visibility in Pekanbaru to around 50 and 70 meters on Sunday. ...
Sumatras Riau Province is badly hit by forest and plantations fires, and the largest number of the hotspots detected ...
As haze shrouded Sumatras cities over the past two months, President Yudhoyono has ordered strict law enforcement to ...
Chief of the National Disaster Mitigation Agency (BNPB) Syamsur Maarif stated that around 99 percent of forest and ...
Two terror suspects arrested in Surabaya, East Java, on Monday night are believed to be part of the Poso group led by ...
The National Police Commission (Kompolnas) has said that the raid by the anti-terror police squad on a terrorist ...
The six terrorist suspects who were shot dead during police raid on Dec. 31 had planned to conduct suicide bombing ...
One of six terror suspects, Nurul Haq, who was gunned down by the National Polices anti-terrorism squad, Densus 88, ...
Three bombs exploded within an hour outside the front of a hotel popular with government officials in a heavily ...
Three bombs exploded within an hour outside a hotel frequented by government officials in a heavily fortified district ...
Police anti-terror unit Densus 88 discovered a box of exclusive materials at a house rented by Dayat Kacamata, in ...
The terror suspects killed during a shootout at a raid conducted on a house in Ciputat, Tengerang Selatan, Banten ...