The NOAA satellite detected 21 hot spots from forest, plantation and peatland fires across Sumatra, including 13 in ...
The National Commission on Human Rights (Komnas HAM) has regretted the shooting to death of a terrorist suspect by the ...
Indonesian police officers arrested two terror suspects in Makassar, South Sulawesi, and in Poso, Central Sulawesi, ...
At least two explosions of suicide bombing occurred in Poso District, Central Sulawesi Province at 08.25 am local time ...
Police said Sigit and Rohadi, the two suspected terrorists recently arrested in Tanjung Priok, Jakarta, and in ...
Ten police officers have been killed in Afghanistan, by a roadside bomb in the west of the country and during fighting ...
Police anti-terror squad Densus 88 arrested two more terrorist suspects in the Central Java cities of Surakarta and ...
The Indonesian police, particularly the special detachment (Densus 88) anti-terror squad, need to review the way in ...
Police discovered bomb materials, bullets, switches and a US carabin and a silencer at a house rented by suspected ...
At least 17 people were killed by three bombs and a grenade attack on a mosque in the Iraqi capital Baghdad on Monday, ...
Afghan security forces and the NATO- led International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) have defused 13 Improvised ...
The United States air force`s nuclear-capable B-2 stealth bombers carried out its first-ever firing drill over the ...
A wave of attacks in Iraq killed 50 people on Tuesday and officials delayed provincial polls, highlighting security ...
Israeli troops shot dead a Hamas militant and wounded two other Palestinians with live fire during a clash with ...
Whenever Indonesian and Japanese officials meet, their agenda topics usually concern economic issues, particularly on ...