A dry spell has cast a pall over 100 districts and cities in the Aceh, West Java, Central Java, Yogyakarta, East Java, ...
Dates offer wide-ranging health benefits, from boosting digestion and preventing anemia to also maintaining the ...
Of the 8000 rare disease in the world, at least four were found in Indonesia, namely Mukopolisakaridosis (MPS) type II, ...
- BRANDSTARS Selection Committee announced that the winners of ’2019 Korea Representative Brand’, the best brand in ...
The Marine Affairs and Fisheries Ministry (KKP) has established digital 4.0 innovation villages in a number of areas ...
Assisted by some 100 medical personnel, the Indonesian Medical Association (IDI) of Banten Province is ready to handle ...
Riau Natural Resources Conservation Office (BBKSDA) personnel evacuated a Sumatran tiger trapped in the Pulau Burung ...
China`s decision to reverse the 25-year ban on the trade of tiger bones and rhino horns has triggered an outcry from ...
China`s decision to legalize tiger bone usage for medicine has the potential to trigger poaching of Sumatran tigers, ...
Budget for the International Monetary Fund (IMF.
The Health Office has encouraged citizens to not create a stigma around HIV/AIDS and to not discriminate against ...
Various elements from the local government, students, tourism conscious groups, the Environmental Service and Regional ...
Sandiaga Salahuddin Uno, who is the would-be running mate of Presidential Candidate Prabowo Sugianto, had a meeting ...
A number of modern therapy devices are used to accelerate the recovery of athletes in the 2018 Asian Games, in a bid ...
Thousands of athletes, officials, community figures, sports and government representatives will attend "the ...