
Collection of broadcast news, found 1.304 news.

Star-studded K-Pop 'KBS Music Bank World Tour' Comes to Indonesia on March 9, 2013

A star-studded K-Pop 'KBS Music Bank World Tour' will come to the GBK Stadium in Jakarta on March 9, 2013. The ...

Bill Gates Emphasizes Power of Goals and Measurement as Keys to Tackling Extreme Poverty

- In his fifth annual letter (http://billsletter.org ), Bill Gates, co-chair of the Bill & Melinda Gates ...

Arsenal FC to visit Indonesia in July

The English Premier League`s Arsenal Football Club (FC) will visit Indonesia, as part of its pre-season world tour, ...

MV Clipper Odysey visits Banda Aceh

MV Clipper Odyssey, a cruise ship with hundreds of tourists from various countries on board, arrived here on ...

Clinton discharged from hospital

US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was released from a New York hospital late Wednesday three days after being ...

Bacardi Celebrates Culmination Of Its Milestone 150th Anniversary With Time Capsule To Be Opened In 50 Years

- Bacardi Limited caps off the yearlong celebration of its 150th anniversary with the creation of a commemorative time ...

The Peninsula Shanghai is Acclaimed as the World's Best Business Hotel by Travel + Leisure Magazine

- The Peninsula Shanghai has been honoured by Travel + Leisure magazine as the world's finest business hotel. In the ...

Becak Must Be Indonesia`s Tourism Icon

The traditional vehicles of Indonesia, popularly known as "becaks", which are basically pedicabs or tricycles, are ...

Manado to host Asia Media Summit 2013

The North Sulawesi provincial capital of Manado will host the 10th Asia Media Summit (ASM) on May 29-30 next year, a ...

Kardashian boosts "X Factor" ratings, but wins few fans

Khloe Kardashian`s first outing as the new co-host of "The X Factor" helped boost the show`s audience by 30 percent, ...

Former uk pop star Gary Glitter held in Savile probe

British police arrested convicted sex offender and former pop star Gary Glitter on Sunday as part of an investigation ...

Jokowi will be inducted as Jakarta governor Monday

The induction of Joko Widodo or Jokowi and Basuki Tjahaja Purnama as Jakarta governor and vice governor respectively ...

Indonesia plays vital role in global business arena:ABLF

As one of the fastest growing economies in the region, Indonesia plays a vital role in the global business arena, the ...

ChartCo, Jeppesen and KH Charts Partnership Allows Innovative Solution

- Today at SMM Hamburg, industry leaders ChartCo, Jeppesen and KH Charts have announced that they will provide mariners ...

Iran says alliance with Syria will not be broken

Iran assured President Bashar al-Assad on Tuesday that Syria was a vital partner in its regional anti-Israeli ...