#budi gunawan

Collection of budi gunawan news, found 255 news.

Muhammaddiyah calls for public support for Jokowi

Din Syamsuddin, the general chairman of the influential Islamic organization Muhammadiyah called for public support ...

KPK accuses BG`s lawyers of being inconsistent with their proposition

The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) has accused Commissioner General Budi Gunawans lawyers of being ...

President to await pre-trial process result: Team 9

President Joko Widodo will wait for the outcome of the currently ongoing pre-trial process before making a decision ...

Jokowi Under Pressure To Appoint Untainted Police Chief

President Joko "Jokowi" Widodo has the prerogative right to appoint a national police chief of his choice, but it ...

President asks citizens to be optimistic about Indonesia`s economic growth

President Joko "Jokowi" Widodo has called on his countrymen to be optimistic about the nations economic condition in ...

KPK rejects Budi Gunawan`s reasons for filing pre-trial

The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) rejected all reasons presented by lawyers seeking revocation of suspect ...

PDIP`s top politician clarifies his allegation about Abraham Samad

The Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDIP) Acting Secretary General Hasto Kristiyanto here, Monday, visited ...

President being made to confront people: pro-Jokowi leader

President Joko Widodo is currently being put directly in confrontation with the people, a pro-Jokowi leader said. ...

Police commission members to propose new candidates for police chief

The commissioners from the National Police Commission (Kompolnas) visited the National Police headquarters here on ...

PDIP asked not to react negatively to Syafii Maarif`s statement

General chairman of the central executive board of Muhammadiyah Din Syamsuddin asks the ruling party PDIP not to react ...

Widjojanto`s arrest violates human rights: Rights body

The National Commission on Human Rights (Komnas HAM) has stated the arrest of Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) ...

President Jokowi vows to solve Budi Gunawan issue next week

Indonesian President Joko Widodo revealed that next week, he will solve the issues arising due to the cancellation of ...

Budi Gunawan to decide on candidacy after pre-trial

Police Chief candidate Commissioner General Budi Gunawan will decide on his candidacy only after his pre-trial lawsuit ...

House yet to hear of new police chief candidate

House Speaker Setya Novanto has denied having any information that President Joko Widodo has proposed a new name to ...

"I am ready for being detained", Bambang Widjojanto

The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Commissioner Bambang Widjojanto said he was ready for being detained after ...