
Collection of bulog news, found 760 news.

VP asks for study of rice import option

Vice President Jusuf Kalla has asked for studies of import option of medium-grade rice to stabilize prices which ...

Government expands market operation networks for medium rice

The government has expanded the market operation network for medium rice to better guarantee supply and to bring down ...

Bulog to purchase farmers` onion stocks amid price drop: Minister

State Logistics Agency (Bulog) will purchase the farmers` onions at Rp15 thousand (US$1.11) per kilogram after the ...

BUMN performance, role in 2017 and target in 2018

Toward the end of 2017, Minister of State Enterprises Rini Soemarno invited to a meeting chief executives of 115 ...

Ministers launches market operation to distribute 75 thousand tons of rice

Trade Minister Enggartiasto Lukita and Agriculture Minister Andi Amran Sulaiman have launched a market operation to ...

Government set to launch market operation on medium quality rice

The government has prepared to launch market operation on medium quality rice following the declining supply of the ...

Police chief claims Food Task Force`s success in stabilizing price

Indonesian Police Chief General Tito Karnavian has claimed the success of the Food Task Force to maintain the price ...

Government to monitor distribution of basic necessities

The Indonesian government will closely monitor the distribution of basic necessaries across the country to assure ...

Jakarta police chief warns food hoarders

Jakarta Police Chief Inspector General M Iriawan has warned distributors against hoarding food supply and other basic ...

Government develops sembalun as garlic production center

The government has developed Sembalun region in East Lombok of West Nusa Tenggara as a garlic production center. ...

Government successfully lowers garlic prices

In the run-up to the fasting month of Ramadan that begins at the end of next week, the prices of commodities are now ...

Bulog ready with 2 million tons rice for food stabilization campaign

The State Logistic Agency (Bulog) has stocked up two million tons of rice for Food Stabilization Campaign throughout ...

Indonesian govt taking steps to prevent hoarding of basic necessities

The Indonesian government is making necessary efforts to prevent the hoarding of basic necessities and to control and ...

Indonesia's govt not planning to import food staples

Indonesias government has no plans to import food staples to meet domestic demands ahead of Ramadhan and the upcoming ...

Minister Khofifah urges Bulog to ensure quality of distributed food

Social Affairs Minister Khofifah Indar Parawansa urged the State Logistics Agency (Bulog) and all parties to offer ...