
Collection of campus news, found 876 news.

UI, NU collaborate to instill moral, national values in youth

The University of Indonesia (UI) has said it has entered into a collaboration with Indonesia's largest Muslim ...

State firms to focus CSR on education, environment, MSMEs: Thohir

The State-Owned Enterprises Ministry will expedite state companies' corporate social responsibility (CSR) ...

SonicWall returning choice to customers by securing any mix of cloud, hybrid and traditional networks

SonicWall, a global leader in physical, virtual and cloud-focused cybersecurity solutions, is emphasizing the return ...

Universities must promote pluralism, help Papuan students feel at home

The Institute for Research, Education, and Information on Economy and Social Affairs (LP3ES) has urged universities in ...

PON Papua

VP Amin visits Papua to close PON, fulfil other agendas

Indonesian Vice President Ma'ruf Amin and his entourage visited Papua Province on Friday following a series of ...

Digitalization can help nation achieve financial inclusion target: OJK

Expanding the adoption of digital technology can help the government achieve its financial inclusion target, chairman ...

Waseda University officially opens Waseda International House of Literature (Haruki Murakami Library)

- Waseda University opened the Waseda International House of Literature (nicknamed the Haruki Murakami Library) on ...

PON Papua

From time capsule to termite nests, things to see in magical Merauke

As one of the hosts of the 20th National Sports Week (PON), Papua's Merauke district is pulling out all the stops ...

OJK supports funding, mentorship, and digitalization of MSMEs

Chairman of the Board of Commissioners of the Financial Services Authority (OJK) Wimboh Santoso echoed his support to ...

Development of AI, character intelligence should occur concomitantly

Education, Culture, Research, and Technology Minister Nadiem Makarim called for side-by-side development of artificial ...

Brawijaya University student designs digital map for visually impaired

A student of the Faculty of Computer Science from Brawijaya University, Malang, East Java has designed a digital map ...

3,779 students attend Jakarta's UHAMKA inaugural lecture

At least 3,779 students on Saturday attended the inaugural lecture of Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. Hamka University (UMAMKA), ...

Indonesia to have advanced economy with more entrepreneurs: VP

A country's economy can be labelled as being advanced if business actors constitute 10 percent of the nation's ...

Minister Makarim deems study programs at PMN as important

Education, Culture, Research and Technology Minister Nadiem Anwar Makarim has said that the study programs offered at ...

ITS, MarkPlus Institute unveil technomarketing program

The Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology (ITS) and MarkPlus Institute will jointly launch a technomarketing program ...