
Collection of cawang news, found 137 news.

Following health protocol, Adhi Karya continues Jabodebek LRT project

PT Adhi Karya (Persero) Tbk has continued construction of the Light Rail Transit (LRT) project in Jakarta, Bogor, ...

PLN temporarily disconnects power in Bekasi, Karawang, Purwakarta

Regional office of State Electricity Company (PLN), West Java, shut the power of 712 houses in areas, including Bekasi, ...

Incessant downpour inundates South Jakarta's several areas on Tuesday

deep floodwaters swamped several homes in the Pondok Karya police dormitory in Mampang Prapatan. Flood also ...

Floods inundate several parts of Jakarta on Sunday

Several areas in Jakarta were flooded on Sunday morning following heavy rains overnight. One of the flooded areas ...

News Focus

Cues taken from Tokyo to address land subsidence in Jakarta

Indonesia's capital city of Jakarta is sinking fast and projected to to be lost underwater in 2050 owing to the ...

News Focus

Adapt together or be eliminated: land subsidence in North Jakarta

The soil along the alley of Blok Empang at Muara Angke, a coastal area in North Jakarta, appears far from normal, its ...

Flash flood hits 249 Yogyakarta school trip students, kills eight

A flash flood hit 249 students trekking along Sempor River during a school trip in Turi, Sleman District, Yogyakarta, ...

News Feature

Fate of Jakarta's giant sea embankment as a flood barrier

A placard on the artificial island, Neeltje-Jans, the Netherlands, reads: "Hier gaan over het tij, de wind, de ...

Flooding hits some 100 homes in East Jakarta's Cawang

The Ciliwing River overflowed its bank, triggering floods that swamped some 100 homes in Cawang, East Jakarta, on ...

BNN foils attempt to smuggle one ton hashish

The National Narcotics Agency (BNN) thwarted an attempt to smuggle an estimated one ton of hashish in Cipayung, East ...

Industrial area immune to impacts of flooding: HKI

Indonesia's Association of Industrial Estates (HKI) Chairperson Sanny Iskandar confirmed that industrial estates ...

Social affairs minister examines public kitchen for flood victims

Social Affairs Minister Juliari P. Batubara conducted an inspection of a public kitchen for flood victims sheltered at ...

Command post confirms 31,232 Jakarta residents fled inundated homes

A total of 31,232 residents of Jakarta were compelled to flee their flooded homes as of Wednesday night, according to ...

Muhammadiyah assists South Kalimantan's Sungai Bali fire victims

The Muhammadiyah-South Kalimantan Chapter opened a command post to extend assistance to residents of Sungai Bali ...

South Kalimantan's fire destroys hundreds of houses: military officer

A fire ravaged the areas of Sungai Bali Village in Pulau Sebuku Subdistrict, Kotabaru District, South Kalimantan ...