#central bank

Collection of central bank news, found 1.850 news.

Rupiah gains over dollar on relaxation of trade war

The Indonesian currency rupiah closes stronger against the U.S. dollar in inter-bank transaction on Wednesday. The ...

Forex reserves up $2 billion to $117 billion in november

Bank Indonesia (BI) announced that the country`s foreign exchange reserves rose US$2 billion to $117.2 billion at the ...

News Focus - Indonesia`s economy continues to face uncertainties in 2019

Indonesia`s economic growth will continue to be affected by uncertain global economic conditions, so it would be ...

Confidence in Indonesian economy strengthens rupiah: BI

Bank Indonesia Governor Perry Warjiyo said the rising confidence in the national economy helped the rupiah strengthen ...

Monetary policy remains pro stability in 2019: Bank Indonesia

Bank Indonesia said it will continue to adopt its pre-emptive and ahead-of-the-curve monetary policy in a bid to ...

Indonesia`s economy predicted to grow stronger in 2019

Bank Indonesia predicted the country`s economy would grow stronger in 2019 than this year`s estimated growth of 5.1 ...

British buyers interested in Indonesian coffee

Buyers constituting importers and owners of coffee shops in London expressed interest and keenness to do business with ...

Bank Indonesia prepares program to diversify coconut products

Representative of Bank Indonesia (BI) in North Maluku said it is preparing a program to help prop up coconut fruit ...

Efforts to improve current account balance need years: minister

Chief Economic Minister Darmin Nasution said that efforts to improve the country`s current account balance, which is ...

Pressure on rupiah not yet over in short term: Darmin

Coordinating Minister for Economy Darmin Nasution said the pressure on rupiah would not yet be over although it is ...

Rupiah closes stronger on Friday

The Indonesian currency rupiah gained over the U.S. dollar trading at the level of 14,544 or gaining 36 points at the ...

Rupiah still under pressure in 2019: CORE

An economic think tank Center of Reform on Economics (CORE) Indonesia predicted that pressure would keep the country`s ...

BI forecasts 2019 growth to remain same as this year

Bank Indonesia (BI) has forecast that the national economy next year will grow almost the same as its forecast of 5.1 ...

Indonesia can achieve economic independence: Sandiaga Uno

Vice Presidential Candidate Sandiaga Uno said Indonesia is able to achieve an economic independence because it has an ...

Indonesia, China add to US$30 million of financial exchange value

Bank Indonesia (BI) and the Chinese Central Bank extend and increase the value of bilateral exchange agreements in ...