#central bank

Collection of central bank news, found 1.850 news.

BI projects May 2019 inflation at 0.47 percent

Bank Indonesia (BI) has projected the inflation will reach 0.47 percent month on month in May 2019, falling short of ...

BI committed to developing water hyacinth crafts in Gorontalo

A representative office of Bank Indonesia (BI/central bank) in Gorontalo Province is committed to helping local ...

Rupiah correction occurs early this week as Asian currencies tumble

A correction again occurred in the exchange rate of the rupiah traded at the Jakarta interbank market earlier this week ...

Indonesia's current account deficit declines in Q1

Indonesia's current account deficit shrunk to US$7 billion in first quarter (Q1) of 2019, or 2.6 percent of the ...

Indonesia's forex reserves stable at US$124.3 billion in April 2019

The central bank recorded a relatively stable level of Indonesia's foreign exchange reserves at US$124.3 billion at ...

BI necessitates ETP on money market to meet capital requirements

Bank Indonesia (BI) issued a new regulation for an online trading platform (ETP) on money and foreign exchange markets ...

News Focus

Indonesia's economic growth remains robust

Global economic gains are occurring, albeit at a slower-than-expected pace, along with less uncertainty originating in ...

Indonesia's first-quarter economic performance remains positive: BI

Bank Indonesia (BI) has stated that the country's economic performance in the first quarter of 2019 remained ...

Trend of weakening rupiah only temporary, says BI

Bank Indonesia said the trend of the rupiah weakening against the US dollar, which has been going on for at least the ...

Rupiah weakens on lower-than-expected first-quarter economic growth

The Indonesian rupiah weakened against the US dollar on the interbank Jakarta spot market on Monday evening with a ...

ASEAN+3's financial cooperation needed to mitigate global challenges

Financial cooperation amongst ASEAN+3 will mitigate global challenges by stimulating consumption and trade in the ...

BI initiates transformation strategy and international standards

Acting as Chairman of the Executive Committee, Governor of Bank Indonesia (the central bank) Perry Warjiyo initiated ...

Cash requests soared in Riau during election BI

There was a surge in the demand for cash before voting day of the simultaneous elections in 2019, and the day after in ...

Rupiah can potentially tumble amid correction in regional currencies

The rupiah exchange rate, traded between banks in Jakarta, Tuesday, can potentially weaken amid regional currencies ...

BI assesses Indonesia's external debt structure remains healthy

Indonesia’s external debt remained under control at healthy levels, apparent from its 36.9 percent external ...