#central bank

Collection of central bank news, found 1.851 news.

President Yudhoyono still weighing candidates for finance minister

Chief economic minister Hatta Rajasa said he still did not know who would be the next finance minister to replace Agus ...

BI must act over illegal foreign takeover of bank: Observer

Bank Indonesia (BI/the central bank) in its capacity as bank regulator must act if a foreign investor is intending to ...

Indonesian parliament approves Agus Martowardojo as new Bank Indonesia governor

Members of the Indonesian House of Representatives (DPR RI) have approved Finance Minister Agus Martowardojo as new ...

New BI governor gets positive response

Economic observers and bankers have given positive response to the election of current Finance Minister Agus ...

Agus to resign if named suspect in Hambalang scandal

Newly elected Bank Indonesia (BI) Governor Agus Martowardojo promised to resign from his new post if he was named as a ...

Newly elected BI Governor has lots of homework

Outgoing Bank Indonesia (BI) Governor Darmin Nasution said there were still lots of homework that must be done by ...

Perbanas hopes Agus Martowardojo to bring positive stimulus

The Indonesian Banks Association (Perbanas) hopes Agus Martowardojo`s election as the new central bank governor would ...

President Yudhoyono communicates with Agus Martowardojo

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono has made a direct communication with Finance Minister Agus Martowardojo after the ...

Rupiah falls after European turbulence

The Indonesian currency rupiah fell in value against the US dollar on Wednesday morning on worries over the impact of ...

BI to oblige banks to apply chip on debit card

Bank Indonesia (BI), the central bank of Indonesia, will oblige commercial banks issuing debit cards to apply chip ...

House elects Perry Warjiyo new BI deputy governor

The House of Representatives (DPR) at its plenary session on Tuesday elected Perry Warjiyo Bank Indonesia (BI) deputy ...

Rupiah gains slightly against US dollar

The Indonesian currency rupiah gained slightly in inter-bank transactions on Tuesday morning amid market concern over ...

President Yudhoyono asks banks to help stabilize economy

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono asked national banks to maintain their good performance and help keep national ...

Indonesia`s foreign exchange reserves down $3.6 billion

The Indonesian foreign exchange reserves fell US$3.6 billion in a month to US$105.18 billion by the end of February, ...

Lawmaker questions finance minister replacement amid crisis pressure

Member of the House Commission XI Kamaruddin Sjam questioned President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono`s plan to change the ...