#city hall

Collection of city hall news, found 449 news.

Reclamation permits can be extended: Governor Ahok

Jakarta Governor Basuki Tjahaja Purnama (Ahok) said on Thursday permits for 17 reclamation projects in the Jakarta ...

Jakarta government to buy former British embassy land

The Jakarta provincial government is planning to buy the land formerly owned by the British Embassy, which is located ...

Jakarta government prepares replacement for 3-in-1 road policy

The Jakarta provincial government is now preparing two new policies to replace the citys current 3-in-1 road traffic ...

Power consumption goes down during Earth Hour

The Earth Hour campaign brings down electricity consumption as lamps and other electronic devices were turned off for ...

Organda asks for closure of online transportation services

The Jakarta Organization of Land Transportation Owners (Organda) has asked the regional government of Jakarta to shut ...

Yogyakarta to launch salt water fish eating campaign

The Department of Industry, Trade and Agricultural Cooperatives in Yogyakarta will soon launch fish eating campaigns, ...

Golf course to be turned into city forest

Jakarta governor Basuki Tjahaja Purnomo extended his support to the Environment Ministrys plan to turn a golf course ...

President Jokowi will publicly explain high speed train project

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has promised to publicly explain in detail the Jakarta-Bandung high speed train (HST) ...

Jakarta governor to continue phasing out metromini buses

Jakarta governor Basuki Tjahaja Purnama has said he remains adamant on his decision to phase out the metromini public ...

New Year eve celebration in Jakarta centered in Ancol

The provincial government of Jakarta plans to ensure that 2016 New Year eve celebrations remain concentrated in Ancol, ...

Police: Do not indulge in any unbecoming behaviour on new year eve

The Jakarta police have urged people to shun any negative activities including consuming narcotic drugs at parties to ...

Deadly accident prompts calls for better transportation services

The commuter train-Metromini bus collision at North Jakartas Muara Angke railway crossing that killed 17 people, ...

Governor to disallow public vehicles deemed unfit for road operations

Jakarta Governor Basuki Tjahaja Purnama (Ahok) voiced his intentions to not permit public vehicles, including ...

Jakarta preparing for Asian Games 2018: Official

The government of capital city Jakarta is continuing with its efforts to prepare itself for the Asian Games, scheduled ...

Islamic State claims Paris attacks that killed 127

Islamic State claimed responsibility on Saturday for a coordinated assault by gunmen and bombers that killed 127 ...