
Collection of clashes news, found 695 news.

Two palestinian teenagers killed by Israeli soldiers in W. Bank protest

Two Palestinian teenagers were shot dead during confrontations with Israeli soldiers in the West Bank, Palestinian ...

Tight security measures in place for election result announcement

Indonesia had organized its third direct and democratic presidential election peacefully on July 9, 2014, participated ...

Indonesia supports ceasefire between Israel and Hamas

Indonesia has expressed support for Israel and Hamas to conduct a ceasefire for the interest of innocent people. ...

20 killed in tribal clashes in Kenya: police

At least 20 people were killed in inter-clan violence in northern Kenya on Sunday, the police said, further ...

Ukraine president pledges ceasefire in separatist east

Ukraines new Western-backed president announced plans Wednesday to order a unilateral ceasefire in the separatist east ...

NATO chief to visit Turkey amid worsening situation in Iraq

NATO Secretary-General, Anders Fogh Rasmussen, will visit Turkey on Monday for talks on dozens of Turkish nationals ...

China sentences nine `terrorists` to death

China has sentenced nine people to death on terrorism-related charges in its ethnically divided western region of ...

Fire at Ukraine`s Odessa kills at least 38

At least 38 people were killed on Friday when radicals set fire on a building in Ukraines Black Sea city of Odessa, ...

Over 100 killed in clashes over cattle robbery in S. Sudan

More than 100 people were killed and dozens injured when suspected cattle raiders attacked a village in South Sudans ...

Mortar fire on Syria schools kills child, hurts 40: Media

Mortar rounds fired on schools in the Syrian capital on Tuesday killed a child and wounded more than 40 people, among ...

Yemeni soldier, Al Qaeda militant killed in clashes

At least one Yemeni soldier and a suspected al-Qaeda militant were killed in clashes in Yemens southern province of ...

Three Palestinians killed in house explosion in Gaza

Three Palestinians were killed on Tuesday in an explosion in a house in the town of Beit Hanoun in northern Gaza ...

Two killed when police disperse Timika`s communal conflict

Two residents were reported killed while police dispersed two groups of battling residents in Djayanti-Mayon, Timika, ...

Mobile Brigade sent to prevent violence in Timika

A platoon of Mobile Brigade and Mass Control forces from the Mimika Resort Police are stationed along the ...

S. Korean trade official kidnapped in Libya

South Korea said Monday that a government trade official had been kidnapped in Libya, amid ongoing instability ...