#clean water

Collection of clean water news, found 1.048 news.

Indonesia to become emerging economy

The next ten years is the time for Indonesia to become an emerging economy as  President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono ...

The Levi's(R) Brand Premieres 'Go Forth' 60-Second Film and Online Social Challenge on Facebook

-- Facebook Serves as Global Platform to Showcase Pioneers Working to Create a Better ...

BPS : Q2 economic growth 6.43 pct

Head of the Central Kalimantan Board of Statistics (BPS) Panusunan Siregar said according to constant prices of gross ...

Economy grows 6.5 pct in second quarter

Indonesia`s economy grew 6.5 percent year-on-year in the second quarter this year, according to the National ...

Flood isolates thousands of S Pesisir residents

A flood isolated thousands of people at Nagari Ampek Koto Mudiak, Batang Kapas Sub-district, South Pesisir District, ...

Kiwanis International Pledges to Raise US$110 Million to Eliminate Maternal and Neonatal Tetanus

-         Kiwanis International is mobilizing its Kiwanis ...

Boalemo residents take refuge from floods

Floods forced thousands of residents of Botumoito, Dulupi, Paguyaman, and Tilamuta sub districts, Boalemo District, ...

C Sulawesi designated as integrated seaweed, fishery development center

Central Sulawesi province has been designated as an integrated seaweed and fishery industry development center ...

S Sulawesi mulling direct trade with Singapore

South Sulawesi is exploring the possibility of conducting direct trade with Singapore and to this end Governor ...

MP3EI aimed to support national development planning

The launch of a Master Plan for the Acceleration and Expansion of Indonesia`s Economic Development (MP3EI) 2011-2025 ...

S Korean firm to invest in W Java`s water industry

South Korean tap-water company K-Water has expressed its readiness to engage in the water processing industry in West ...

Aru district developing sea water processing technology

The Aru Islands District administration in Maluku province is currently developing a technology to process sea water ...

Govt aspires increasing per capita income to US$5,000

Indonesia`s chief economic minister said the government would strive to increase the people`s per capita income to ...

Indian IT businessmen wish to invest in Surabaya

An Indian information technology business company is interested in making an investment in Surabaya known to have a ...

Australia increases development assistance to Indonesia

The Australian Government will increase its development assistance to Indonesia from Rp923 billion in 2010-2011 to ...