
Collection of coconut news, found 348 news.

News Focus

Padang residents eagerly await hunting for "Pabukoan"

One of the activities that the residents of Padang, West Sumatra, long await during Ramadhan is hunting for an array of ...

North Sulawesi exports coconut flour to Egypt

North Sulawesi Province (Sulut) exported coconut flour to Egypt at the start of the fasting month to fulfill the high ...

Bitung to become industrial, export, and logistics development zone

The Bitung Special Economic Zone (SEZ) in North Sulawesi Province is slated to serve as a base for industrial, export, ...

Bitung SEZ prioritizes attracting investment in pharmaceutical sector

The Bitung Special Economic Zone (SEZ) in North Sulawesi Province is eyeing to attract investment primarily in the ...

NutraFuels, Inc tests confirm high quality proprietary ultra shear technology platform

via NEWMEDIAWIRE -- NutraFuels, Inc (NTFU) and Pressure BioSciences, Inc (PBI), in a joint venture, announce that ...

Wild elephants ravage coconut plantation in Pekanbaru

A herd of wild Sumatran elephants (elephas maximus sumatranus) ravaged a coconut plantation in Pekanbaru, Riau ...

NutraFuels, Inc acquires patented all-natural skin patch for deet-free mosquito deterrence

NutraFuels, Inc. (NTFU), soon to be NutraLife BioScience, Inc. has acquired a patent for a unique and natural ...

year ender - subsidized kur credit to reach rp120 trillion by year-end by andi abdussalam

In an effort to help small businesses obtain cheap financing, in 2007, the government had launched a subsidized micro ...

Bank Indonesia prepares program to diversify coconut products

Representative of Bank Indonesia (BI) in North Maluku said it is preparing a program to help prop up coconut fruit ...

North Sulawesi favored with US$47.5 million surplus in international trade

North Sulawesi recorded a surplus of US$47.53 million in its international trade in October, 2018. "The ...

News Focus - Some areas removed from negative list to boost investment

The government issued an economic policy package on Friday, in which a number of business areas were removed from the ...

Negative investment list should be aligned with business conditions: ministry

The Negative Investment List (DNI) should be adjusted to the present conditions and developments in an effort to ...

Indonesia, egypt sign US$67.5 million business deals

Indonesian and Egyptian businessmen have signed business deals valued at US$67.5 million during the five-day Trade ...

Indonesia-Tunisia proceed with PTA negotiation

Indonesia and Tunisia have proceeded with the talk on bilateral trade tariff reduction in the second round negotiation ...

cultural festival produces indonesia-Azerbaijan trade agreement

The 2018 Indonesian Cultural Festival (ICF), held by the Indonesian Embassy in Baku, Sept 13-16, produced a trade ...