#commission xi

Collection of commission xi news, found 292 news.

President, PDIP faction meet at State Palace

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) and the Democratic Party of Struggle Faction in the House (FPDI) met at the State ...

Finance minister believes growth to reach 5.1-5.2 percent

Finance Minister Bambang Brodjonegoro believes the Indonesian economy will expand 5.1-5.2 percent this year, or less ...

Tax amnesty funds to be used for boosting banks` capacity

The OJK expects that funds sourced from the passage of the tax amnesty bill should be used to increase the capacity of ...

Government preparing instruments for fund repatriation: Minister

The government is preparing instruments to accommodate the funds repatriated through tax amnesty, so they would offer ...

Tax amnesty to raise by Rp47.7 trillion: BI

Bank Indonesia (BI), the Indonesian central bank, has forecast that the country can increase its revenue by Rp45.7 ...

Parliament to wrap up tax amnesty debate in May: Legislator

A leading member of the House of Representatives said debate on the controversial tax amnesty bill could be wrapped ...

Tax amnesty breakthrough or step backward?

Observers are split over the tax amnesty bill proposed by the government. Some said it is a breakthrough, but ...

Tax amnesty must also target tax dodgers at home

The government has submitted a proposal of a draft law on tax amnesty to the House of Representatives (DPR) aimed at ...

Many voice discontent against government`s tax amnesty plan

The governments plan to introduce a law on tax amnesty to withdraw or repatriate funds stashed abroad has trigger ...

Govt to track taxpayers through registered cards

A legislator has proposed that the taxpayers numbers (NPWP) should be included in their identity cards (KTP) to make ...

House praises BI for lowering key rate

Chairman of the House Commission XI Fadel Muhammad has praised Bank Indonesia (BI) for lowering its benchmark interest ...

Tax amnesty expected to contribute Rp100 trillion to tax revenues

A law maker said the tax amnesty policy is expected to contribute Rp100 trillion to the state tax revenue in 2016. ...

Government, House agree to revise down growth target in 2016

The government and the House of Representatives (DPR) have agreed to revise several assumptions set in the draft 2016 ...

Government to revise down growth target to 5.3 percent

Finance Minister Bambang Brodjonegoro has proposed to the House of Representatives (DPR) a revision of the economic ...

indonesia`s macro economy stronger now: IMF Chief

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has said that Indonesias macro economy is much stronger now than it was 15 years ...