Chief of National Police Gen. Timur Pradopo said that the people can use police`s Public Service Center (SPM) to ask ...
South Korean scientists said Thursday that they have developed a new device that can be used to mass-produce a key ...
Somalia`s president said his security forces will defeat al Qaeda and its affiliate militants in the war-ravaged ...
- The world's fastest Rubik's Cube-solving robot has been developed by ...
Young people`s fascination with television, the Internet, video games and other electronic entertainment is making it ...
Heaven is a fairy story for people afraid of the dark, the eminent British theoretical physicist Stephen Hawking said ...
Pakistan said it would review counter-terrorism cooperation with the United States as it came under growing domestic ...
Intelligence agencies combing through computers and storage devices found at Osama bin Laden`s compound expect a "gold ...
The international information techonology exhibition entitled "Indonesia International Communication Expo & ...
- - 3CX Phone System for Windows Allows Businesses to Connect With Skype Users ...
German police arrested three suspected members of al Qaeda on Friday, federal prosecutors said, and the newspaper Bild ...
On the occasion of the 46th Congress of the European Association for the Study of the Liver, the ...
The increasing consumers demand for geographically referenced information, known as geospatial information, will bring ...
Australian is to strengthen law enforcement with Indonesia by building three high-speed boats in dealing with people ...
- ICAP Ocean Tomo (