
Collection of confident news, found 1.475 news.

President to set up unit to strengthen Pancasila practice

Indonesian President Joko Widodo plans to set up an institution or a unit to ensure that state ideology Pancasila, ...

Prasetyo advises Eko to offer himself as justice collaborator

Attorney General HM Prasetyo has said he would not seek to intervene in the case of Eko Susilo Hadi, a prosecutor ...

President showcases policies to 20 Indian CEOs

President Joko Widodo discussed with 20 Indian CEOs a number of his policies and achievements during his two years of ...

KOREAN TL PLASTIC SURGERY, everyone has the right to look beautiful; useful advice by TL PLASTIC SURGERY for your smooth skin and skin elasticity

- TL’s SMAS LIFTING is the best beauty treatment procedure to restore your youth. The difficult-to-erase sign of ...

House expects Indonesia-US ties to become closer

Indonesian House Speaker Setya Novanto has hailed the result of the US presidential election and expressed the hope ...

President asks investors to focus on import substitution

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has asked that investment flowing into the country be focused on industries that ...

Indonesian squad confident as it faces Vietnam

The Indonesian soccer squad (Timnas) "Garuda" is confident as it is all set to play against the Vietnamese team in the ...

BUMN leaders asked to take part in tax amnesty program

Finance Minister Sri Mulyani Indrawati on Wednesday invited leaders of state companies (BUMNs) to persuade them to ...

BRI launches JCB Platinum Credit Card for travelers

PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk. (BRI) and PT JCB International Indonesia, a subsidiary of JCB International ...

Yangtze's megacities seek closer ties with ASEAN

Notwithstanding incessant rains lashing the Jiangsu Province of China for days after Typhoon Haima made a landing in ...

Baturaja`s new cement factory to come on line next year

President of PT Semen Baturaja Pamudji Rahardjo, said the second cement factory of the state company would come on ...

EARTH WIRE -- Team of 13 lawyers to help Walhi in SP3 pretrial

Environmentalists of the Indonesian Environmental Forum (Walhi), said they have a team of 13 lawyers to help them in ...

Highlights of Talk Events with Two Iconic Directors, Mamoru HOSODA and Shunji IWAI, at Tokyo International Film Festival

-The Tokyo International Film Festival (TIFF) screened more than 200 films, highlighting the work of two iconic ...

Fighting for food self-sufficiency

As an agriculture country, Indonesia was once self-sufficient in the production of rice, the staple food for its ...

Santris called on to demonstrate peacefully

The Central Executive Board of the Indonesian Pesantren (Islamic Boarding Schools) Association (IPI) has called on ...