
Collection of consequences news, found 521 news.

Australian ministers to meet indonesian counterparts

The Australian Foreign Minister Senator Bob Carr and Defense Minister Stephen Smith will welcome their Indonesian ...

Obama says no war decision over Iran in two months

President Barack Obama on Tuesday rejected the notion that Washington has to decide over the next two months whether ...

Jordan condemns breaking into al-Aqsa mosque by israeli settlers

Jordan on Sunday condemned breaking into al-Aqsa Mosque by Israeli settlers, calling on the Arabs and Muslims to ...

Presidential decree on migrant workers task force issued next week

A presidential decree on the extension of the tenure of the Indonesian Migrant Workers Protection Task Force (Satgas ...

Bima district chief revokes PT SMN's exploration permit

Energy and Mineral Resources Minister Jero E Wacik said the Bima district chief in West Nusa Tenggara has revoked the ...

azerbaijan condemns adoption of "armenian genocide" bill by French senate

Azerbaijan condemned on Tuesday the adoption by France`s Senate of a bill making it a crime to deny the Armenian ...

Russia: strike on Iran would be `catastrophe`

Russia warned Wednesday that a military strike on Iran would be a "catastrophe" with the severest consequences which ...

China to expand registration rules for microblog users

China will expand real-name registration for microblog users, the government`s propaganda and information arm said on ...

WHO warns of lab-produced bird flu virus - (d)

The World Health Organization (WHO) issued an alert on Friday, warning that studies undertaken by several institutions ...

Stratfor hackers publish email, password data

Hackers affiliated with the Anonymous group published hundreds of thousands of email addresses belonging to ...

Sinead O`Connor ends 4th marriage after 16 days

Irish singer Sinead O`Connor has ended her fourth marriage after just 16 days, blaming pressure and disapproval from ...

US mily presence in darwin arouses suspicion in many quarters

US President Barack Obama and Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard reportedly assured President Susilo Bambang ...

Philip Morris Asia Files Lawsuit Against The Australian Government Over Plain Packaging

-     Philip Morris Asia Limited (PMA), Hong Kong, owner of Australian affiliate, Philip Morris ...

Obama warns North Korea on proliferation

President Barack Obama said Thursday the United States would take firm action to prevent North Korea proliferating ...

White House says IAEA report on Iran "very alarming"

The White House said on Thursday that this week`s International Atomic Energy Agency report on Iran`s nuclear program ...