#conservation area

Collection of conservation area news, found 257 news.

Sumatran elephants run amok in Riau`s oil palm plantation

A herd of Sumatran elephants ran amok in an oil palm plantation in Minas, Riau Province, seriously injuring one worker ...

The Coremap Coral Management Shows A Positive Result

The Second Phase of Coral Reef Rehabilitation and Management Program or COREMAP II, has come to an end in December ...

Ministry to apply blue economy concept in marine conservation areas

Indonesian Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Minister Sharif Cicip Sutarjo has said his ministry will apply the blue ...

Bombay Sapphire® Gin Distillery Achieves World's First 'Outstanding' Design-Stage BREEAM Sustainability Accolade

-     Site named as one of world's most sustainable distilleries ahead of opening in Autumn 2013, ...

Sumatran tigers breed well in South Bukit Barisan

World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) in Indonesia said that at least 80 Sumatran Tigers (Panthera tigris sumatrae) are ...

W Sumatra tourism focuses on natural, cultural sites

With its diverse natural and cultural beauty, West Sumatra is now focusing on promoting its natural and cultural ...

Habitat of rare animal species damaged

Wide forest areas as habitats of rare animal species in the province of Bengkulu have been damaged on rampant illegal ...

Foreign students taking care of Sumatran elephants in Seblat

Five foreign students from different countries are learning to care for the Sumatran elephants (Elephas maximus ...

Sumatran rhino gives birth in Way Kambas

A Sumatran rhino has given birth to a male calf at the Sumatran Rhino Sanctuary (SRS) in the Way Kambas National Park ...

Indonesia promotes "blue economy" in rio+20 forum meeting

Government of Indonesia in Rio+20 Forum proposed the principle of "Blue Economy" in order to promote a global ...

Indonesia Promotes "Blue Economy" in Rio+20 Forum Meeting

Government of Indonesia in Rio+20 Forum proposed the principle of  "Blue Economy" in order to promote a global ...

MMAF is Optimistic to Reach 20 Million HA of Marine Conservation Area

The cooperation between Indonesia and United States continues to be improved actively by engaged  the relevant ...

RI preparing 20 mln hectares for water conservation

The Indonesian government has set aside 20 million hectares of its waters as a conservation area, a senior official ...

East Asian and Australasia countries discuss bird migration

Thirteen countries are meeting to discuss the migration of endangered bird species in the East Asia and Australasia ...

Mount Marapi spews volcanic ash twice on Sunday

Mount Marapi in West Sumatra spewed volcanic ash twice on Sunday respectively at 11:10am and 11:18am Western ...