#conservation area

Collection of conservation area news, found 257 news.

Forestry Minister inaugurates Ciwalen Canopy Trail

Forestry Minister Zulkifli Hasan inaugurated the Ciwalen Canopy Trail that is 120 m long and 60 m wide at an ...

CTI countries renew talks on world largest coral reefs

Local authorities of six countries grouped in the Coral Triangle Initiative (CTI) began four days of talks at ...

Nine new marine species found in Bali waters

Conservation International (CI) in Indonesia and its local partners have found nine new coral fish and one coral ...

Forestry minister pledges pro-people, pro-growth policies

Indonesia has joined the world in celebrating the International Year of Forest 2011 as declared by The United Nations ...

Sinar Mas extends Tengkawang planting area in W Kalimantan

Oil palm plantation company Sinar Mas Group has extended its Tengkawang Tungkul (Shorea Macrophylla) planting area in ...

Paramitra conserves eight tropical pitcher plants in W Kalimantan

PT Paramitra Internusa Pratama, a subsidiary of the oil palm plantation Sinar Mas Group, has been conserving at least ...

Oil palm plantations must not harm protected forests

Oil palm estates in Kapuas Hulu district, West Kalimantan province, have been urged not to damage protected and ...

Teachers in W Kalimantan get houses from Sinar Mas

Oil palm plantation company Sinar Mas Group has constructed two official residences for primary school teachers in ...

Planned satellite launching site raises environmental concerns

Conservationists at Enggano island, Bengkulu province, have raised concerns over Indonesia`s plan to build a new ...

Infrared cameras monitoring wildlife in Kerinci Seblat park

The Sumatran Tiger Patrol Team of The Forest Ranger Squad of Kerinci Seblat National Park (TNKS) has installed ...

Study on environmental impact of LAPAN`s satellite launching facility

Bengkulu`s Natural Resources Conservation Agency (BKSDA) is to conduct a study on the impact of the proposed ...

Papua`s natural resources conservation center to rehabilitate 1,500 hectares of Lorentz

The Papua Province Center for Conservation of Natural Resources will rehabilitate about 1,500 hectares of arid land in ...

Forest trampling threatening Raflesia Arnoldi`s habitat

Trampling activity in Bukit Daun register 5 Protected Forest in Kepahiang and Central Bengkulu district is ...

Bengkulu facing grave coastal land abrasion problem

Bengkulu province is facing a grave coastal land abrasion problem as only 8.59 percent of its total area is now still ...

Govt boosting national fish consumption

The government is trying to increase the country`s national fish production and the people`s per capita fish ...