#conservation areas

Collection of conservation areas news, found 185 news.

Way Kambas Park designated as ASEAN Heritage Park

The Way Kambas National Park in Lampung Province, has been designated as the 36th ASEAN Heritage Park. The ...

Infrastructure development in Raja Ampat

Developing the infrastructure, including extending the Marinda airport runway to boost tourism development in Raja ...

Effective peatland management necessary to minimize forest fires

Peatland fires have been one of the contributing factors to the deteriorating haze, which has blanketed several parts ...

Indonesian youngster receives ASEAN champions of biodiversity award

Indonesian youngster Adeline Tiffanie Suwana has won the ASEAN Champions of Biodiversity award for her contributions ...

President Jokowi to visit Riau to assess forest fire situation

The acting governor of Riau, Arsyadjuliandi Rachman, said that President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) is scheduled to visit ...

Riau`s two million hectares of oil palm plantation illegal: Minister

Minister of Forestry Zulkifli Hasan has urged the Riau Province Administration not to issue additional permit for oil ...

Coral reefs as sustainer of food security

Coral reefs, the major topic of discussion in the World Coral Reef Conference (WCRC) in Manado, on May 14-16, 2014, ...

WCRC expected to yield coral management agreement: VP

The World Coral Reef Conference (WCRC) in the North Sulawesi provincial city of Manado is expected to yield an ...

Police hunting down four suspects in Riau`s land fires

Police are hunting down four people suspected of setting fire to forested land in Riau province. "The four ...

Riau trying to block peatland fires

Four teams of the Riau forest fire and rescue brigade called "Manggala Agni" have been trying to block peatland ...

Ministry to apply blue economy concept in marine conservation areas

Indonesian Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Minister Sharif Cicip Sutarjo has said his ministry will apply the blue ...

Indonesia releases more sea turtle hatchlings into sea

Several inhabitants of Sao Village, Mentawai Island, West Sumatra Province, must be overjoyed when they found a 75-kg ...

Bengkulu targets hatching of 1,500 turtle eggs this year

The Bengkulu Nature Conservation Agency (BKSDA) has set a hatching target of 1,500 turtle eggs in two conservation ...

Forest conversion to mining decreases anoa population

The conversion of forest areas has threatened the population of anoa (Bubalus depressicornis) and other endangered ...

Orangutans continue to face extinction in the wild

Increasing deforestation or the conversion of forest land into plantations has taken its toll on the natural habitats ...