#coordinating minister for political legal and security affairs

Collection of coordinating minister for political legal and security affairs news, found 1.343 news.

Indian Ambassador says his country safe and peaceful

India is currently in a safe and peaceful condition, Indian Ambassador to Indonesia Pradeep Kumar Rawat has ...

Government plans to build 11 integrated border checkpoints in 2020

The Public Works and Housing Ministry plans to build 11 integrated border checkpoints in five provinces this ...

Government to pursue human right violation case

Government will act on a report of Komnas HAM on alleged human rights violations in Paniai, Papua, on December 7 and 8, ...

News Focus

Indonesia plans medical center for disease control

It was a happy February 15, 2020 for 243 Indonesian citizens (WNI), who returned to their families after being in ...

BNPT urges regions to divert greater attention to terrorism

The National Counter Terrorism Agency (BNPT) has appealed to local governments to channel greater attention to the ...

Ex-terrorist fighters relinquished Indonesian citizenship: Mahfud

Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal, and Security Affairs Mahfud MD affirmed that Indonesian foreign terrorist ...

Government to verify citizenship status of ex-ISIS combatants

The government plans to verify the citizenship status of former ISIS combatants from Indonesia in response to the ...

Indonesia plans to set up special facility for contagious diseases

Health Minister Terawan Agus Putranto highlighted the government’s plan to build a special facility to handle ...

Pakistani Ambassador conveys message of peace to Mahfud

Pakistani Ambassador to Indonesia Abdul Salik Khan has conveyed a message of peace during a meeting with Coordinating ...

News Focus

Sympathy and lessons learnt from Indonesia's emergency evacuation

The novel coronavirus outbreak in Wuhan has posed a grave challenge to Mainland China, with the death toll burgeoning ...

Government got slightly delayed in notifying Natuna residents: Mahfud

Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal, and Security Affairs, Mahfud MD, admitted to the government’s slight ...

President holds meeting following evacuation of Indonesians from China

President Joko Widodo held a limited meeting at the Halim Perdana Kusuma Air Force Base in Jakarta on Sunday with a ...

Govt assures all Indonesians evacuated from Wuhan are healthy

Presidential Spokesman Fadjroel Rachman assured that all Indonesians evacuated from the China's city of Wuhan were ...

Government considers impact of Indonesian FTF repatriation

The government took into account the impact on social and legal issues, as well as investment, before repatriating ...

Iran keen to intensify cooperation with Indonesia

Iranian Ambassador to Indonesia Mohammad Azad visited Indonesian Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and ...