#coordinating minister for political legal and security affairs

Collection of coordinating minister for political legal and security affairs news, found 1.343 news.

Jokowi administration opens foreign media access to Papua

The administration of Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has announced to lift restrictions on foreign media in Papua, after on the ...

Foreign media should obtain permits to cover Papua: Chief minister

Foreign journalists must first obtain permits if they want to cover Papua, and there will be screening, according to ...

Sail Tomini Expected To Give Long Term Economic Benefits by Fardah

The international maritime event Sail Tomini and Boalemo Festival 2015 was jointly launched by nine ministers, two ...

Sail Tomini 2015 jointly launched by nine ministers

The international maritime event Sail Tomini and Boalemo Festival 2015 was jointly launched by nine ministers, two ...

Indonesian government holds meeting on simultaneous regional elections

The government held a national coordinating meeting to discuss a plan for organizing simultaneous regional head ...

Indonesia to execute nine convicted drug dealers this week: Minister

The execution of nine inmates on death row convicted on drug trafficking charges will be carried out this week, ...

President chairs meeting on modernization of military, police

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) chaired a meeting here on Tuesday to discuss the modernization of the Indonesian ...

RI Government Conducting Search, Investigation For Missing Citizens In Turkey

Of the twenty-five Indonesians that arrived at the Ataturk International Airport by a Turkish Airline flight TK-67 on ...

President Jokowi will not pardon narcotics convicts

President Joko "Jokowi" Widodo will not pardon narcotics convicts, maintaining a firm stance with regard to efforts ...

President Jokowi encourages Indonesian diplomats to push for economic diplomacy

President Joko "Jokowi" Widodo encouraged all Indonesian diplomats posted overseas to push for economic diplomacy, so ...

People Come Out To Defend KPK Following Arrest of Its Leader

The crocodile has returned and tried to attack the gecko once again, but this time, the gecko is not alone, for the ...

Jokowi installs members of Presidential Advisory Council

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) installed members of the Presidential Advisory Council (Wantimpres) at the State Palace ...

Indonesian govt boosts deployment in Poso to hunt terror suspects

Following the central governments directive to crush "Islamic State members" in Indonesia, hundreds of military and ...

President Jokowi outlines four priorities of defense policy

President Joko "Jokowi" Widodo has outlined four priorities pertaining to the defense policy that have to be solid, ...

Indonesian president leaves for South Korea

Indonesian President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) in the company of First Lady Iriana left Jakarta for Busan for a working ...