#creative economy minister

Collection of creative economy minister news, found 796 news.

BRIN supports game assets store for promoting gaming industry

The National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) has expressed its support for the establishment of a game assets ...

New UNESCO Global Geoparks to bolster tourism, creative economy: Uno

The designation of four Indonesian geopark sites as UNESCO Global Geoparks (UGG) will bolster the promotion and ...

Uno submits suggestions on digital permits for events

Suggestions on the procedure for issuing digital permits for events have been submitted to the Coordinating Ministry ...

President asks Puteri Indonesia to help promote tourism

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has asked the 2023 Puteri Indonesia beauty pageant winner, Farhana Nariswari Wisandana, ...

Govt to discuss Coldplay concert with ulema: Minister

The government will discuss the pros and cons of permitting a music concert by British band Coldplay with the ...

Preparing report on economic turnover from ASEAN Summit: Uno

Tourism and Creative Economy Minister Sandiaga Salahuddin Uno has revealed that his ministry is currently preparing its ...

Jejakk festival strengthens creative district, city network: Minister

The 2023 Indonesian Creative District/City Network (Jejakk) festival is aimed at strengthening networking and ...

Digital economy positively impacting tourism, creative economy actors

The digital economy is positively impacting tourism and creative economy actors, primarily micro, small, and medium ...

Uno urges Bali fashion players to improve added value

The Tourism and Creative Economy Ministry has asked Balinese creative economy players in Bali's capital of Denpasar ...

Bali-WIPO branding project can add value to products: Sukawati

Bali Deputy Governor Tjok Oka Artha Ardhana Sukawati has said that the province’s product branding project with ...

Asia Media Summit could boost Bali as MICE destination: Uno

The 18th Asia Media Summit (AMS) 2023 is expected to strengthen Bali’s position as a world-class MICE (meetings, ...

Jayapura has vast tourism potential: ministry

Jayapura District in Papua Province has vast and exotic potential for tourism, according to the Tourism and ...

Relawan Jokowi suggests names of potential presidential candidates

Relawan Jokowi, a group of social organizations and volunteers supporting President Joko Widodo, have presented him ...

Jokowi says Indonesia needs a brave and people-centric leader

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has said that Indonesia needs a future leader who is brave and close to the ...

Several ministers join fun walk to celebrate PSN's eighth anniversary

Coordinating Economic Minister Airlangga Hartarto and two other cabinet members joined a fun walk to ...