#crew members

Collection of crew members news, found 1.082 news.

Jakarta govt necessitates public transport passengers to wear masks

The Transportation Office of Jakarta has made it mandatory for crew members and passengers of public transportation to ...

SAR finds four surviving crews of sunk Muara Sejati Tugboat

The Pangkalpinang Search and Rescue Agency (SAR) team, Bangka Belitung Islands, found four of the 10 crew members of ...

13 stranded Iraqis moved from Rote Ndao to Kupang

Thirteen Iraqi nationals who were stranded in the waters of the southern Indonesian island of Rote Ndao, East Nusa ...

Some 13 Iraqi stranded in NTT en route to Australia

The East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) Law and Human Rights Office sent a team to check 13 Iraqi nationals, who are stranded in ...

Papuan separatists kill three ojek drivers: military

Papuan separatists are continuing to terrorize innocent civilians as demonstrated by the killing of three ojek ...

Belitung fishermen find third victim of crashed police helicopter

Fishermen in Bangka Belitung Islands found the body of 2nd Sub-Inspector (Aipda) Joko Mudo, the third victim of the ...

Bad weather caused P-1103 helicopter crash: Police

The NBO 105/P-1103 helicopter was declared to have crashed in the East Belitung waters on account of bad weather, ...

SAR confirms Dutch-flagged vessel lost contact in Sorong waters

Dutch-flagged sailing vessel, Dulce, reportedly lost contact in the Seget waters of Sorong District, West Papua ...

Ship accident victim's family hopeful of receiving gov't's attention

The family of one of the missing victims of the Shinsung cargo ship that drowned on October 31 is seeking the ...

KPLP begins evacuating crew from tanker aground in Riau Island

The Transportation Ministry's Sea and Coast Guard (KPLP) has commenced an operation to evacuate a Djibouti-flagged ...

Kupang SAR evacuates 177 off fire-engulfed ferry boat at sea

The Kupang Search and Rescue (SAR) Office, East Nusa Tenggara, deployed 51 rescuers to evacuate 167 passengers and 10 ...

Sri Lankan fishing boat believed to be drifting in Aceh waters

Panglima Laot, a traditional organization of Aceh fishermen, on Monday received a report about a Sri Lankan fishing ...

11 stranded in Komodo National Park waters, rescued

Maumere Office, Lalu Wahyu Effendi, informed. The vessel, which was headed to Sabolo Island with 11 tourists and two ...

Fuel price hike: Governor pushes compensation for transport operators

Central Java Governor Ganjar Pranowo is making efforts to ensure that public transport operators in the province ...

At least 34 areas in North Jakarta vulnerable to drug trafficking

At least 34 areas in North Jakarta are vulnerable to drug trafficking, the local office of the National Narcotics ...