
Collection of danger news, found 667 news.

US, China agree on N. Korea sanctions deal

The United States and China have made a deal under which the UN Security Council will expand existing sanctions ...

Mursi`s brotherhood may pay price for Egypt currency fall

Life in Egypt is about to get harder for ordinary people who will bear the brunt of inflation caused by a decline in ...

Reuters tv cameraman wounded in Syiria

A Reuters television cameraman was shot in the leg and wounded while filming on the front line in Syria`s northern ...

Year-ender: Ups and downs of Malaysia-Indonesia relations

Indonesia and its immediate neighbour, Malaysia, have maintained close relations, as reflected in increased political ...

Security forces in Papua anticipating increased danger from OPM

The Security forces in Papua are anticipating the possibility of increased danger from separatist group Free Papua ...

Malaysia`s tax revision feared to weaken Indonesia`s CPO competitiveness

Crude palm oil (CPO) export tax revision by Malaysia in 2013 is feared to weaken Indonesia`s CPO competitiveness in ...

Most Indonesians agree to have nuclear power plant : Survey

A latest survey shows that the majority of Indonesians agree with plan to develop nuclear energy to better guarantee ...

UN sounds alarm on south Sudan hepatitis E outbreak

The UN`s refugee agency warned Friday that an outbreak of hepatitis E among refugees in South Sudan was worsening and ...

Romney faces backlash over candidate`s rape gaffe

White House hopeful Mitt Romney on Wednesday sought to distance himself from controversial remarks on rape made by a ...

Seven Italian experts jailed for "inexact" evaluation of 2009 earthquake

An Italian court on Monday (Oct. 22) sentenced seven officials and government-appointed scientists to six years each ...

Eating lots of carbohydrate, sugar may raise risk of cognitive impairment

People of age 70 and older who eat food high in carbohydrates have a high risk of developing mild cognitive ...

Police guarantee security of foreign embassies

The Indonesian police have guaranteed the security of foreign embassies in Indonesia, according to National Police ...

U.S. warns Americans not to travel to Pakistan

U.S. citizens should avoid travel to Pakistan, the State Department said on Thursday in a fresh warning that follows ...

North Sulawesi ready to face tsunami

Thee regencies in North Sulawesi already have contingency plan to face natural disasters especially tsunami, the ...

Prince Harry moved to safety in Afghan attack

Prince Harry was moved under guard to a secure location during a Taliban attack on Camp Bastion, the base where he is ...