"We prioritize the safety and comfort of the affected community. The ministry will provide full support in handling the impact of the Bekasi flood," he remarked on Wednesday.
The ministry's Directorate General of Human Settlements has mobilized two rubber boats to assist in evacuating people impacted by the flood.
Based on data from the Emergency Response Task Force of the West Java Regional Settlement Infrastructure Center (BPPW) and the Bekasi City Regional Disaster Mitigation Agency (BPBD), flooding has affected the seven sub-districts of East Bekasi, North Bekasi, South Bekasi, Medan Satria, Jatiasih, Pondok Gede, and Rawalumbu.
The flooding in Bekasi has resulted from intense rainfall since March 3, leading to rivers in Bekasi overflowing and submerging residential areas and several public facilities.
As of March 4, 2025, field conditions showed the floodwaters had not receded, and several affected locations experienced power outages. The authorities continue to evacuate residents and collect data on victims and affected public facilities.
Hanggodo said his side continues to coordinate with the Bekasi City BPBD and survey the disaster-affected locations to assist in emergency response measures to reduce the impact of the disaster and ensure the community's safety.
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In addition to rubber boats, the West Java BPPW Team established emergency tents at the Kemang Pratama evacuation site.
Support for clean water facilities and infrastructure for daily needs has also been provided to logistics posts belonging to the National Disaster Mitigation Agency (BNPB), including in Pondok Gede Permai.
While sanitation needs have been met at this location, clean water remains a pressing need. Currently, the Cipta Karya Emergency Response Team has mobilized one water tanker and two public hydrants for evacuation sites.
Support was also provided by the Ciliwung Cisadane River Basin Center (BBWS) by deploying heavy equipment in the form of six dump trucks along with four water pumps with a capacity of 250 liters/second and 250 sandbags to Kemang Pratama and 500 sandbags to the Rawalumbu area.
The Ministry of Public Works, in collaboration with related agencies, continues to monitor real-time conditions and ensure proper handling for this disaster.
Further identification will be conducted to map out medium-term handling requirements, primarily focusing on the Bekasi River basin.
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Translator: Aji Cakti, Resinta Sulistiyandari
Editor: Yuni Arisandy Sinaga
Copyright © ANTARA 2025