
Collection of daughter news, found 569 news.

Jokowi strolls along Yogyakarta`s Malioboro Street

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) strolled along the popular Jalan Malioboro Street of Yogyakarta, along with traders and ...

Hunt on for new Golkar chairman, House Speaker

Setya Novanto, senior Golkar politician, has resigned from his position as the Speaker of the House of Representatives ...

Dfficult for Titiek Soeharto to beat Airlangga: Jusuf Kalla

Vice President Jusuf Kalla said here on Tuesday it would be difficult for Siti Hediati Hariyadi aka Titiek Soeharto to ...

Former president Soeharto`s daughter seeks Golkar leadership

Former president Soeharto`s daughter Siti Hediati Hariyadi has expressed support to the holding of an extraordinary ...

President offers marital advice to daughter

President Joko Widodo offered marital advice to his daughter Kahiyang Ayu, who married Muhamad Bobby Nasution, to love ...

President Jokowi performs Tortor dance during daughter`s Batak wedding procession

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) performed the Batak traditional dance Tortor during a Madailing wedding ceremony of his ...

Widodo condemns mosque attack in Egypt

Indonesian President Joko Widodo has condemned the bombing and shooting attack that wounded more than 200 people in ...

Megawati unveils excellence of Pancasila democracy in S Korea

Indonesia`s fifth president Megawati Soekarno Putri has unveiled the excellence of the Pancasila (state ideology) ...

Wedding ceremony of Jokowi`s daughter modest: Kalla

Vice President M Jusuf Kalla has remarked that the wedding ceremony of Kahiyang Ayu, the only daughter of President ...

VVIP guests arrive for matrimony procession of Jokowi`s daughter

Thousands of guests including several VVIPs arrived in Graha Saba Buana Hall, where matrimony procession of Kahiyang ...

Preparations for wedding of President Jokowi`s daughter completed

President Jokowi (Jokowi) has confirmed that preparations for his daughter Kahiyang Ayus wedding are complete. ...

No Indonesian victim reported in Texas mass shooting

Consulate General of the Republic of Indonesia (KJRI) in Houston confirmed that no Indonesian citizen had become the ...

4,000 supporters invited to wedding of President Jokowi`s daughter

President Joko Widodo has invited 4,000 supporters and volunteers to the wedding of his daughter, Kahiyang Ayu, which ...

Kalla to be witness at Jokowi`s daughter`s wedding

Vice President, Jusuf Kalla, will attend the wedding of President Joko Widodos (Jokowis) daughter Kahiyang Ayu as a ...

Tourism in Bali safe amid alert status of Mount Agung

Tourist sites in Bali are safe amid the alert status of Mount Agung, the highest mountain in Bali. The status of ...