
Collection of dayeuhkolot news, found 30 news.

Ministry distributes aid for Bandung flood victims

The Ministry of Social Affairs has distributed a number of aid items worth Rp249 million (US$15,269) to people affected ...

Empowerment programs key to expediting poverty reduction: Minister

Social Minister Saifullah Yusuf emphasized the importance of community empowerment programs to accelerate poverty ...

BNPB provides Rp350 mln for flood handling in Bandung

The National Disaster Mitigation Agency (BNPB) has provided Rp350 million (around US$22,489) to accelerate the handling ...

Bodies of three fallen soldiers flown home

The coffins of three soldiers who were killed in an ambush in Gome sub-district, Puncak district, on Thursday, were ...

Fallen soldier buried at Bandung City's Cikutra Heroes Cemetery

Indonesian Army Chief of Staff General Dudung Abdurachman led a military funeral procession for fallen soldier First ...

Industries urged to uphold 50% cap on employee attendance

The Industry Ministry has called on essential and critical industries to remain disciplined in implementing the ...

Floods affect 81,088 residents in five sub-districts of Bandung

Floods have submerged 21,888 homes in five sub-districts of Bandung District, West Java since Thursday (April 30, ...

Floods hit seven sub-districts of Bandung District, West Java

Heavy rains have triggered floods again in seven sub-districts of Bandung District, West Java Province, according to ...

Floods, landslides impact Bandung, West Bandung districts in West Java

Incessant heavy rains on Sunday triggered the Citarum River to overflow its bank and caused floods and landslides in ...

Bandung District's flooding shows no signs of receding

Flash floods that inundated more than 11 thousand houses in the subdistricts of Baleendah, Bojongsoang, Dayeuhkolot, ...

Floods swamp 3,744 homes in Bandung District

Floods have struck five sub-districts in Bandung District, West Java, since Thursday (Jan 23), submerging 3,744 homes, ...

Floods inundate five sub-districts in Bandung District, West Java

Floods, arising from continuous torrential rains since Tuesday, hit five sub-districts in Bandung District, West Java ...

Bandung District's 210 polling stations submerged in floodwaters

Flooding submerged 210 polling stations in Bandung District, West Java Province, in the lead-up to the polling day on ...

Several hundred flood-affected residents of Bandung take refuge

No less than 380 locals took refuge on higher ground after floods, caused by incessant downpour, lashed four ...

Floods inundate three sub-districts in Bandung, W Java, after downpour

The sub-districts of Dayeuhkolot, Bojongsoang, and Baleendah in Bandung District, West Java Province, are reeling under ...