
Collection of deadline news, found 531 news.

58 Indonesian hajj pilgrims die in Saudi Arabia

Ten more Indonesian hajj pilgrims died in Saudi Arabia, bringing to 58 the total number of deaths since the first ...

Poverty gripped district of Lebak hit by harvest failure

The poverty gripped district of Lebak in Banten is in for worse problem with harvest failure hitting extensive areas ...

Indonesia revises down sugar production target

The agriculture ministry sharply revised down the country`s sugar production target for next year to 2.8 million tons ...

Sultan Hamengku Buwono resigns from Golkar party

Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono X of Yogyakarta who is also the governor of the special region in central Java has resigned ...

BEI suspends trading of Bakrie Telecom

The Indonesian Stock Exchange on Tuesday suspended trading of the shares and bonds issued by PT Bakrie Telecom Tbk ...

Iran, Saudi Arabia should join Geneva action group on Syria

Russia`s permanent representative in the United Nations, Vitaly Churkin, said that his country wants Iran and Saudi ...

Indonesian govt firms ready to take over Inalum

The Indonesian government is still negotiating the takeover of PT Indonesia Asahan Aluminium (Inalum), an ...

Inalum ownership must be returned to Indonesian govt

The Indonesian government is considering a takeover of tin producer PT Indonesia Asahan Aluminium (Inalum), after the ...

Govt prepares Rp7 trillion to take over Inalum

The government has prepared a budget reaching almost Rp7 trillion for taking over tin producer PT Inalum in 2013, ...

Madagascar rivals hold first reconciliation talks

Madagascan leader Andry Rajoelina and the man he toppled in 2009, Marc Ravalomanana, met behind closed doors on a ...

Russia rejects UN sanctions against Syria

Russia rejected calls for sanctions against Syria on Thursday, while the United States warned the UN mission to the ...

No need to worry about govt`s Leopard purchase plan: Yudhoyono

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono said Indonesians need not worry about the government`s plan to purchase leopard ...

Yudhoyono asks all countries to adopt green economy

Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono has appealed to all countries to apply green economic policies together. ...

France to begin Afghan pullout in July and finish end 2012

French President Francois Hollande said Saturday France will begin its pullout from Afghanistan next month and ...

Big applause at Yogyakarta state palace

Never before has the electric car been discussed so seriously as it was last Friday (May 25) afternoon at a meeting in ...