A continued sharp decline in working hours globally amid the COVID-19 outbreak implies 1.6 billion workers in the ...
Bank Indonesia (BI) estimated that the inflation rate in April 2020 will touch 0.18 percent based on results of a ...
Finance Minister Sri Mulyani Indrawati echoed the Islamic Development Bank's (IsDB's) readiness to furnish ...
In Indonesia, a country with the world’s largest Muslim population, silence shrouds most mosques and other ...
Indonesia’s foreign debt, which stood at US$407.5 billion in February, 2020, remains within the safe limit as ...
*Novianta Hutagalung, International Coach Faculty, Consultant and Facilitator of various organizations **H. ...
The international rating agency Standard & Poor's (S&P) projects that Indonesia's economic growth will ...
Bank Indonesia (BI) ensured that foreign exchange reserves of US$121 billion as of the end of March 2020 were ...
Indonesia's official reserve assets stood at US$121 billion, as of March-end 2020, $9.4 billion lower, from the ...
Indonesia has decided to increase the state budgetary spending for 2020 by Rp405.1 trillion (US$24.8 billion) to deal ...
Bank Indonesia (BI) Governor Perry Warjiyo has made assurance that the country had adequate foreign exchange reserves ...
The Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), at a virtual meeting with G20 members, forecast that ...
Indonesia's foreign debts totaled US$410.8 billion at the end of January 2020, characterizing a 7.5-percent spike ...
Indonesia's foreign exchange reserves at the end of February 2020 were recorded at US$130.4 billion, or stayed high ...
- Apifiny, after launching its liquidity API product – ExOne, is pleased to announce that Scott Eilbeck, former ...