#deputy minister of agriculture

Collection of deputy minister of agriculture news, found 58 news.

Subsidized fertilizer stock to suffice for second planting season:

Deputy Minister of Agriculture Harvick Hasnul Qolbi made assurance that the subsidized fertilizer stock would suffice ...

President Jokowi installs five deputy ministers

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) inducted five deputy ministers at the Merdeka Palace, here on Wednesday, after a cabinet ...

President urges increase in value of trade with China

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has urged that bilateral trade between Indonesia and China needs to be enhanced after ...

VP Boediono warns of larger risk of forest fires

Indonesian vice president Boediono has warned of a larger risk of forest fires in the country due to a possible ...

Indonesia will not import more meat this year: Agriculture Ministry

The Ministry of Agriculture (Kementan) has announced that it will not increase its meat import quota this year due to ...

National rice production to surpass target

Indonesia`s rice production is estimated to surpass the target set at around 38 million tons this year as until ...

Indonesian legislator urges govt to build more reservoirs

Deputy chairman of Commission IV of the House of Representatives (DPR) Herman Khaeron has called on the government to ...

Indonesia govt making efforts to overcome drought impact

It is currently estimated that the drought, which has hit nine provinces in Indonesia, will affect at least 127,000 ...

SE Sulawesi can become cattle production center

Deputy Agriculture Minister Rusman Heriawan said South East Sulawesi had the potential to become a cattle production ...

President names statistics chief deputy agriculture minister

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono named chief of the National Statistics Agency, Rusman Heriawan, deputy minister of ...

2011 rice imports to reach 1,5-2 million tons

The government has disclosed that it would import 1.5-2 million tons of rice this year to meet domestic rice stocks. ...

Govt, WEF implement new program tobBoost national agricultural production

Participants of the World Economic Forum (WEF) agree to conduct a partnership program with Indonesia to help the ...

VP moved by elementary school student`s letter

Vice President Boediono was moved after receiving a letter from Satriana, an elementary school student in Majene ...