#developed countries

Collection of developed countries news, found 771 news.

RI envoy, EU president attend dialogue in Brussels

RI Ambassador to the Europe Union (EU), Arif Havas Oegroseno, and President of EU Parliament Martin Schulz recently ...

Marty meets with Clark to discuss ri-undp strategic partnership

Indonesian Foreign Minister Marty Natalegawa met with Helen Clark, an administrator of the United Nations Development ...

RI crisis-free thanks to monetary stability, stimulating fiscal policies

Indonesia is among a number of developing countries that have been able to withstand the global crisis due to their ...

Buddhist Leader Calls for 2015 Nuclear Abolition Summit in Hiroshima and Nagasaki

-     In his 30th annual peace proposal, released on January 26, Daisaku Ikeda, president of the ...

Industrial sector still relying on foreign technology

The industrial sector in Indonesia is still relying on foreign technology, State Minister for Research and ...

Walhi disappointed by advanced countries` suspension of emission reduction

The Indonesia Environment Forum (Walhi) expressed disappointment here on Wednesday over the developed countries for ...

Failing Climate Negotiations Put Indonesia at Crossroads

-      - NGO says Indonesia should safeguard economic growth now that this week's climate ...

Ozone confab produces Bali Declaration

The five-day UN conference on the protection of ozone layer wound up here on Friday with the adoption of a Bali ...

ASEAN stance on economic capitalism must be bold

The ASEAN stance is urged to be bolder and firmer in facing the domination of economic capitalism in the economy ...

Indonesia to closely monitor South China Sea disputes

Indonesia`s National Defense Forces (TNI) will closely monitor and remain watchful about the impact of disputes in the ...

Second round of european crisis may impact RI : Sri Mulyani

Indonesia may be affected by the second round of the European Union debt crisis because its export destinations are ...

E Kalimantan to cooperate with australia in education

The East Kalimantan provincial administration is to cooperate with an educational institution in the Australian ...

G20 plans to regain global economic confidence

Officials at the recent G20 meeting to discuss the European Union debt crisis said they will seek to regain global ...

Yudhoyono asked G20 not to forget initial goal

At the recent G20 summit in France, President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono had told world leaders not forget the initial ...

Home-based Self-collected Vaginal Specimens Detect More Cervical Lesions and Cancers Than Cytology

-         - Vaginal Self-collection for Hybrid Capture(R.