#direct cash

Collection of direct cash news, found 193 news.

News Focus

Timely budget spending crucial for economic recovery amid COVID-19

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) delivered a strong rebuke to ministers and leaders of state institutions over the slow ...

COVID-19 handling costs total Rp677.2 trillion: Minister Indrawati

Total costs incurred by the government to tackle the COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesia reached Rp677.2 trillion, according ...

Govt to offer assistance to COVID-19-impacted citizens until December

Social Affairs Minister Juliari Peter Batubara revealed that the government will distribute social assistance to those ...

Social safety net program should list 3.8 million farmers, fishermen

Some 3.8 million farmers and fishermen should be listed in the social safety net program, according to President Joko ...

President's incentives for fishermen, farmers for food availability

President Joko Widodo has prepared four special incentives for farmers and fishermen to maintain the availability of ...

Police detain five for setting ablaze COVID-19 command post

The police detained five people on charges of torching a COVID-19 command post and vandalizing a village head office in ...

President stresses on swift synchronization of aid recipient data

President Joko Widodo urged ministries to promptly synchronize data on recipients of the central government’s ...

President inspects disbursal of staple food assistance in Johar Baru

President Joko Widodo inspected the distribution of third phase of the food aid to beneficiary families in Johar Baru, ...

President upbeat about social assistance boosting purchasing power

President Joko Widodo is optimistic that the government's social assistance programs would increase the ...

President Joko Widodo highlights shallot, sugar prices still high

President Joko Widodo is persistently endeavoring to find a solution to bring down the prices of shallots and sugar ...

President calls on farmers to expedite planting before dry season

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has appealed to farmers to speed up the planting season before the 2020 dry season sets ...

News Focus

Gauging whether pre-employment card is solution amid COVID-19 pandemic

The novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic is much more than a medical crisis. The socio-economic ...

President implements five schemes for MSME protection amid pandemic

President Joko Widodo has implemented five schemes under a program to protect MSMEs and aid their financial recovery, ...

News Focus

COVID-19 deals crushing blow to MSMEs

The novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) has not just attacked people, but also indirectly battered the Indonesian ...

APEC highlights significance of multilateral cooperation in COVID-19

Multilateral cooperation, including the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC), safeguards countries worldwide in ...