
Collection of direction news, found 1.717 news.

BRI leads in social efficiency, Pertamina in business efficiency

A researcher said the government needs to be clearer in the direction of its policy to improve the performance of ...

Lessons learnt from severe congestion at Brebes toll exit

Vehicular queues from cities towards hometowns during the post-fasting Lebaran Islamic Holiday, or Eid al-Fitr ...

Authority sets up exclusion zone on Mount Bromo

The Volcanology and Geology Disaster Mitigation Center (PVMBG) said on Thursday that Mount Bromo has remained on alert ...

Governor hopes to secure early release of hostages

East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) Governor Frans Lebu Raya hopes that three of its citizens taken hostage by the suspected Abu ...

385.5 tons of beef illegally imported to Indonesia in 2016

Indonesias Finance Minister Bambang Brodjonegoro said the surge in beef smuggling or illegal beef imports in 2016 have ...

Govt discusses national energy plan

The government, at the third plenary meeting of the National Energy Council, will formulate a national energy general ...

'NANO KOREA 2016', largest NANO technology exhibition in Korea, from July 13th

- NANO KOREA 2016, the largest exhibition of advanced NANO technology and business, will be held ...

Yahoo! JAPAN 20th founding anniversary project: "Yahoo! Smart Stretch 360," world's first!! video with 360-degree view relieves "text neck" caused by smartphone use

-- No Need to Memorize or Copy Movements, Just Watch Smartphone Video to Relieve "Text Neck" -In commemoration of the ...

Govt checks vehicles for Lebaran transportation

The government is conducting checks to determine the condition of vehicles that will be used to transport post-fasting ...

Indonesia calls for prioritizing efforts to prevent humanitarian crisis

The Indonesian delegation to the World Humanitarian Summit in Istanbul, Turkey, has called for prioritizing efforts ...

Maupora atoll requires intensive promotion

The office of Southwest Maluku Distrit (MBD) Culture and Tourism in the Indonesian province of Maluku should have ...

ANTARA News Agency to cooperate with African media

The Indonesian National News Agency, ANTARA, is ready to establish cooperation with African mass media players in ...

Holding firm needed to implement economic packages

The government needs to establish holding companies as per its plan in order to implement President Joko Widodos ...

UN agencies highlight environmental impact of abandoned fishing gear

The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) warned of the environmental consequences of lost and abandoned fishing ...

Indonesian Christians, Muslims look forward to visiting Jerusalem

Every Christian and Muslim in Indonesia aspires to visit Jerusalem, where Jesus (Prophet Isa in Islam) was born and ...